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Section 1 - Terms and Conditions of Membership

Section 1: Terms and Conditions of Membership

Definitions that apply to Section 1:

You - the member including associate members

We and Us - Warwick Students’ Union

SU Facilities - all buildings, facilities and surrounding support areas where activity takes place

Guests - individuals who use the SU’s facilities on a one-off or short-term basis, including visitors, conference guests or staff

1. Responsibilities of Members

As a member you will be individually responsible under this agreement. This means that:

  • you are the only person who will be able to tell us to do anything in relation to the membership;
  • you will be responsible for paying all appropriate membership fees;
  • you will be responsible for paying any extra charges and fees for using the facilities, equipment and services that are not covered by your club/society membership fee;
  • you must keep to the rules and regulations for using the facilities set out in Section 3.
  • you must abide by the members’ Code of Conduct.

You must comply with all of our reasonable instructions and requests from time to time. You must not (and must ensure your guests, do not):

  • carry on any conduct which is inappropriate or which might annoy or put other visitors to the Students’ Union in danger;
  • carry on any conduct or behaviour that is not in line with the rules and regulations of the Students’ Union or that causes damage to equipment or facilities;

You must (and must ensure that your guests do):

  • leave each part of the SU facilities that you have used in a tidy and orderly condition.
  • carry out and observe all instructions relating to the use of the SU facilities and your behaviour or conduct.
  • treat other members , staff and visitors with dignity and respect, as outlined in paragraph 2 of Section 3.

2. Membership Fees and Payment Details

Membership of the Students’ Union is automatic for all students of the University of Warwick. There is no fee.

Membership of individual clubs, societies, societies federation and Sports Council carry a membership fee that makes a contribution towards costs of the SU supporting these activities including but not limited to insurance, advice and guidance, facilities, finance office support, events and training.

Annual membership commences once payment is received and is based on the academic year, ending on 30th September.

Your membership will end automatically after this initial period, and you will have to sign up for a new membership should you wish to continue. You must pay your full membership fees up front with your application for membership.

Associate members will be required to submit an application to the Societies Officer in accordance with the SU’s By-Laws or in the case of Sports Clubs, to the Sports Officer.

3. Ending Your Societies or Societies Federation Membership

You wish to end your membership

If you have an annual club, society, societies federation or Sports Council membership, your membership will end automatically at the end of the academic year.

Ending your membership early where your circumstances change

You can end your membership at any time if you are no longer enrolled as a student at The University of Warwick;

To end your membership for the reasons listed above, you must give us notice in writing. Your membership will end on the last day of the month in which we receive your notice and your accompanying evidence, whichever we receive later, as long as we receive this no later than 10 working days before the end of the calendar month. Otherwise your membership will end at the end of the following month.

You must give us suitable evidence, but you do not need to provide this at the time you give us notice.

If you end your membership early, you may claim a refund of fees which relate to the period after your membership ends. You must claim your refund, by requesting a cancellation form either directly from the Students’ Union, or by e-mail from Refunds will be paid back onto the debit or credit card, for which payment was originally made, or if payment was made in cash, in cash.

We may end your membership where this is your fault

The Students’ Union’s Disciplinary Procedures apply – please see By-Law 12 for further details.

If your membership is cancelled as a result of the Disciplinary Procedure we have the right to keep a proportion of the money you have paid under the agreement to cover any reasonable costs that we have had to pay.

4. Membership Purchase Cooling Off Period

If you purchase a club, society, societies' federation of Sports Council membership online you are entitled to cancel this membership within 14 days. You should notify us of your intention to cancel your membership by emailing

Your notice is not effective until we have received it.

We strongly advise that when you give notice you get proof that we have received it. For example: if you send us your notice by email, ask for a delivery receipt.

We will confirm we have received your notice within 10 days of receiving it. If you do not receive this confirmation within 10 days, you must immediately let us know so we can check whether we have received it.

5. Services

We will use our reasonable endeavours to provide any Services with reasonable care and skill. Where you use any Services you must be honest and truthful with the service provider. We will not be responsible for any injury or damage which occurs because you have not told the advisor or have not followed their advice or instructions.

Some services are occasionally made available within SU facilities but are provided by our third party associates. Those services are subject to the third party’s own terms and conditions. The terms and conditions which apply to any third parties will be made available by the service provider at the point of delivery. Please make yourself aware of these third party terms and conditions before you use these particular services. We are not responsible or liable to you in any way for any services provided by a third party.

6. Liability

We will not be liable for any accident, injury, loss or damage you suffer in carrying out an action against our instruction, advice, or against your medical practitioner’s medical advice. You carry out these actions at your own risk.

If you or your guest suffers any accident, injury or death on the premises as a direct result of our negligence or our failure to take responsible care, we will compensate you for any proven losses which you or your guest suffer as a result of this, in which event the limit of liability in the above clause will not apply.

We do not accept liability for theft, loss or damage to your property (or a guest’s property) that may happen on the premises, except where any theft, loss or damage occurs as a direct result of our negligence or our failure to take responsible care.

Notwithstanding the above, if we are found to be liable to you for any losses, damage or compensation under this agreement (whether as a result of our breach of this agreement or otherwise), our total liability to you shall be limited to the amount of your membership fee for the current term of your membership. We will not be liable for you for any type of loss or damage that does not occur as a direct result of our breach of this agreement, or negligence or our failure to take responsible care.

7. Complaints and Feedback

We are committed to making sure our members and visitors are satisfied with the service we provide, but we are realistic enough to know that things do not always go according to plan all the time. If you or your guests have a complaint, we want to know about it as soon as possible so that we may fully investigate it and sort the matter out.

If you have a complaint, you should first tell a member of Students’ Union staff. If you are not satisfied with the response, you should email outlining your complaint. Details of the SU’s complaints procedure can be found online.

8. English Law

The Agreement is governed by English law and the parties shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.