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Student Trustee

How to become a Student Trustee

The appointment process is handled by the Governance and Appointments Committee – a sub-group of the Board of Trustees. The committee delegates to an interview panel who will conduct the short-listing exercise based on your application form.

If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted to advise you of the date and time of the interview and the process thereafter. Applications are open from 9th March until 22nd April. 

About the role

We are currently looking for five Student Trustees. Each Student Trustee will be appointed for a period of two years starting in August 2022. If you are only here for one year, you can still put yourself forward, as we will re-advertise your role when it becomes vacant.

We have put together a Student Trustee Pack that contains information about Warwick SU, our strategic direction and most of all, more information about the role of a Student Trustee.

Express your interest

If there is any information we can provide to help you make a decision to apply, please do get in touch with us by completing the expression of interest form below and a member of SU staff will contact you.

Applications have now closed for 2022/23.