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Referenda Case

All Student Vote (Spring 2022)

Warwick SU for Environmental Accountability


This motion seeks to mandate the Environment and Ethics officer to create an environmental pledge for outlets on campus to sign up to regarding plastics use, food wastage, energy usage, and eco-friendly food options.

This Union Notes:

This section should include any facts, figures or statements that you believe are relevant to the topic of your policy. Remember in this section clear and effective referencing is important.

  1. Warwick University ranks 60th in the People and Planet University League table Please see link for methodology etc
  2. Supply chains account for roughly 18% of all emissions caused by food (which in turn is about ¼ of world emissions, accounting for production, land use etc)
  3. On Campus outlets do not have clear signposting of their environmental credentials.


This Union Believes:

This section should include opinions or supporting statements for your policy.

  1. Students should be able to make an informed choice about the environmental impact of purchasing from an on-campus outlets.
  2. A clear and concise environmental pledge would go a long way into alleviating this issue.
  3. SU run outlets should be individually required to sign the pledge, once drafted by the Environment and Ethics Officer.
  4. A clear symbol should be displayed by outlets on campus if they have signed on to the pledge, this in turn increases the accountability of those outlets to follow through on the pledge.


This Union Resolves:

This section should be about how you want the SU to react, the outcome of this policy. Remember to mandate specific departments/sabbatical officers; this will make things easier for future accountability

  1. To mandate the Environment and Ethics Officer to create a feasible environmental pledge for SU and University outlets to sign up to and around areas around plastic use, food wastage, energy usage and eco-friendly food options.
  2. To then further mandate the Environment and Ethics officer, in collaboration with the DDO, to create an appropriate logo to be displayed at outlets indicating their signing of the environmental pledge.
  3. To encourage outlets who cannot sign the pledge to work towards doing so as soon as possible.