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The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

Referenda Case

All Student Vote (Autumn 2021)

Introduce Milk Mondays


This motion mandates the DDO to work with the commercial team to make more milk-based options available in SU outlets on Mondays and the Full Time Officer team should run a stall on the Piazza where free cartons of milk are distributed to students.

Introduce Milk Mondays


This Union Notes: 


This section should include any facts, figures, or statements that you believe are relevant to the topic of your policy. Remember in this section clear and effective referencing is important. 


  1. Milk is healthy and nutritious. [1] 

  1. Many dairy farmers in the United Kingdom are struggling to make a living. [2] 

  1. Drinking milk improves academic attainment [3] [4] 

  1. There is an abundance of dairy farmers based locally in Warwickshire. [5] 




This Union Believes: 


This section should include opinions or supporting statements for your policy.  


  1. The proliferation of milk on campus would be a positive change for students. 

  1. That British dairy farmers should receive greater support. 

  1. That milk will help boost the wellbeing of students.  

  1. That the many different varieties of milk (including lactose-free alternatives) should be easily available.  




This Union Resolves: 


This section should be about how you want the SU to react, the outcome of this policy. Remember to mandate specific departments/sabbatical officers; this will make things easier for future accountability 


  1.  The Democracy and Development Officer should work with the SU Commercial Team to make more milk-based options available in SU outlets on Mondays.
  2.  The Welfare and Campaigns Officer should run a campaign to promote the various health benefits of milk.
  3.  On the first Monday of each month, the Sabbatical Officer team should run a stall on the Piazza where free cartons of milk are distributed to students.
  4. All milk purchased for Milk Mondays should be sourced from local farmers who rear grass-fed cows. 
  5. The Democracy and Development Officer and the Commercial Team should ensure there is a greater variety of milks stocked in SU outlets.