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Referenda Case

All Student Vote (Autumn 2021)

Warwick SU to take action against drink spiking


This motion asks the SU to offer visibly available drink covers, stopper for bottles and test strips for prevention and detection for drink spiking.


This Union Notes: 


This section should include any facts, figures or statements that you believe are relevant to the topic of your policy. Remember in this section clear and effective referencing is important. 


  1. There has been a reported rise in drink spiking throughout the UK in recent weeks, especially at UK universities (BBC, 2021). 

  1. 4 out of 5 victims of drink spiking are female (Alcohol Think Again, 2020). 

  1. There are very little statistics collected about spiking incidents, and often survivors do not feel comfortable reporting an incident of drink spiking (Drink Aware, 2020). 

  1. Substances most commonly used (including alcohol, Rohypnol, GHB and other recreational drugs) are hard to detect by the drinker (Drink Aware, 2020). 

  1. The SU does not currently have any prevalent campaigns to address drink spiking, and has not published the penalty imposed on those accused of drink spiking (Warwick SU, 2021). 



This Union Believes: 


This section should include opinions or supporting statements for your policy.  


  1. It is the SU’s duty to take action against drink spiking, especially in SU venues including Terrace Bar and Pop!. 

  1. The SU should prioritise student wellbeing above all else, including decreasing drink spiking incidents. 

  1. Many students have had negative experiences after reporting an incident of drink spiking; the SU should ensure survivors are appropriately supported following an incident. 



This Union Resolves: 


This section should be about how you want the SU to react, the outcome of this policy. Remember to mandate specific departments/sabbatical officers; this will make things easier for future accountability 


  1. All SU run venues to offer visibly available drinks covers, stoppers for bottles and test strips for prevention and detection of drink spiking. 

  1. All staff in SU run bars and clubs to be trained in drink spiking and how to support survivors after a reported incident – including how to respond medically to spiking. 

  1. The SU to increase publicity about drink spiking, ensuring language does not blame victims but offers clear guidance on where to find support following an incident 

  • Said publicity to be approved of by the Welfare and Campaigns Officer and at least one of the Women's Officer, Trans Officer, LGBTQUA+ Officer, Widening Participation Officer, Disabled Students' Officer and Ethnic Minorities Officer. 

  1. All SU club nights to have a designated welfare officer to act as a first point of call for victims. 

  2. Any convicted spikers to be banned from ticketed SU events.