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Section 3 - Rules and Regulations for Using SU Facilities

Section 3: Rules and Regulations for Using SU Facilities

1. General Health & Safety and Rules

We do not allow pets (except when used for assistance).

To protect the safety of all members, staff and visitors please pay attention to all signs and notices.

Fire exits are clearly marked. If there is a fire or if you hear a fire alarm, you should make your way out of the building through the nearest possible exit to the advertised assembly point.

If you suffer an injury or accident, you must report it and the circumstances to which it occurred to the manager on duty or to SU HQ Reception.

You must not smoke in the buildings, or within 12 feet of the buildings with the exception of the external smoking areas.

You must not:

  • sell or attempt to sell or promote any goods, services, articles, or equipment without the express permission of the Students’ Union.
  • put up any notices or decorations (internal or external) without the express permission of the Students’ Union.
  • take photographs at or in the SU facilities, or arrange for any filming, or televising of any activity therein without the express permission of the SU.

If you do so, we may take any action outlined in paragraph 3.

2. Behaviour

We operate a strict code of conduct which applies to all members.

You should respect members, staff and other users, at all times and treat them with dignity. This means respecting their rights, treating them fairly, being mindful of them when expressing your views, treating them with courtesy and good manners. Please respect the authority of members of staff and their reasonable decisions.

Do not use rude or offensive language particularly within the earshot of other members or guests.

Racial or sexual harassment will not be tolerated in any circumstances. Discrimination, bullying, harassment or victimisation on the grounds of gender, age, race, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, disability, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs will not be tolerated. Please see the SU’s Equality and Diversity Policy.

Examples of harassment and bullying are where others are behaving in an unwanted, unsolicited and unwelcome manner that is offensive or intimidating to you, or are behaving in an offensive, abusive, intimidating, malicious or insulting manner which makes you feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable.

Discrimination means treating another person less favourably on the grounds of gender, age, race, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, disability, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.

If you feel that you, another member, a member of staff or a visitor is being subjected to harassment, bullying, discrimination, a lack of dignity and respect, or violence in any form, including those mentioned above, you are encouraged to challenge or report this.

You should not feel that you have to tolerate this behaviour and if at all possible you should make it clear to the person causing the offence that such behaviour is unacceptable to you. Where you do not feel comfortable doing this, or it is not appropriate, we would strongly encourage you to the issue or seek advice or support from a member of staff or an SU Officer as soon as possible.

3. If You Break These Rules

If you are a member of an associate member, the Students’ Union will enact the Member’s Disciplinary Procedure – By-Law 12.

For visitors:

  • You will be asked to leave the facilities.
  • You may be refused further entry to the facilities. This is at the sole discretion of the Chief Executive or his/her representative and in licensed premises it is at the discretion of the Designated Premises Supervisor (licensee) or his/ her representative.