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Postgraduate Officer

Hamza Rehman

Vice President for Postgraduate


Hi, I'm Hamza and I'm your Vice President for Postgraduates. It is my responsibility to represent over 40% of Postgraduate and PhD students. I will be working to fight against the marketisation of our education system and to challenge the exploitation of our postgraduate students.

Course: Course Social and Political Thought

Hometown: Birmingham

Fun fact about me: My appendix was removed when I was young

My role and what I hope to achieve this year:
My role is to focus on improving the academic and working conditions for Postgraduate at Warwick. The government have made it difficult for postgrads to navigate the Higher Education system and the University have enabled this. My role is to ensure postgraduate students are supported and valued and their harsh conditions are fought against. My main priorities (though in no particular order) are as follows.

  • Work with UCU for better pay and working conditions for postgrads that are employed by the University.
  • Fight for scholarships for student refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Gain financial support for international students that offset rising NHS surcharge fees.
  • Launch an anti-surveillance campaign to resist the continued securitization of students and staff on campus.
  • Conference grants for postgraduate students.
  • Work alongside other officers on a demilitarized education campaign.
  • To push the University to improve the support and transition provided to all postgraduate students to help better prepare them for their studies as well as ensure they feel safe within social spaces.
  • Better support for students who are child carers. This includes an improved support package that help supports the cost of childcare.

Most importantly, I want to speak to you. I believe in collective organising and taking action against the marketisation of our education system. An individual cannot achieve this alone. Whilst being in some sort of position of power, I will work closely with all of you to fight and lay down the conditions that allow for academic and social experience whilst you're here at Warwick.

Hamza Rehman

The Vice President for Postgraduate's office is on the first floor of SUHQ.

024 765 72777


The election for this role takes place during our Spring Elections in term 2. You can find out more about this role and the others available by visiting our elections webpages.

Find out more about SU elections

View my manifesto

View my vote count


  • There are no officer reports yet
Reports from previous officers
  • 2021/22

  • There are no archived reports for this year