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The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Vice President for Postgraduate Students







Fighting the marketisation of our education system!


About Me


Hey! I'm Hamza (he/him) and I am a sociology masters student running to be your Postgraduate Officer. Our education system has seen a rise in tutiton fees, increase in precarious working conditions and poor learning environments, all whilst the Vice Chancellor continues to sit on a 6-figure salary. I believe that postgrad students deserve to be supported as they continue their higher education and that they have the right to be treated fairly, however the University does not believe the same! I am standing to be your Postgraduate Officer because I believe in an education system that is truly transformative, accessible and provides a space for the experiences of postgraduate students. A vote for me is to vote resisting the continued marketisation of our education system!



  • SSLC rep 2021/2022
  • Member of postgraduate committee 2021/22
  • Exec for Warwick Anti-racism society 2021/22
  • Exec for Warwick Action for Palestine 2021/22
  • NUS Delegate 2021/22
  • Campaign nationally for a demilitarized education system



  • Resisting the marketisation of education
  • Transformative and liberated education system
  • Student Wellbeing at the forefront
  • Building strong communities on campus



Resisting the marketisation of education

Postgraduate researchers (PGR) are the backbone of the higher education sector, but also one of the most exploited and overworked student and staff members on campus

I will

  • Work with Education officer and Warwick Anti-casulation to fight for better working conditions for postgrad teachers
  • Reverse the Sessional Teaching Payroll (STP) cuts
  • Fight for obtaining funding extensions for PhD students
  • Lobby the University to ensure that PGRs employed to undertake teaching are offered a contract of employment and are paid fairly.
  • Launch an anti-surveillance campaign to resist the continued securitization of staff and students on campus
  • Actively oppose the Prevent Duty which disproportionately targets Muslim students.
  • Pressue the University for rent reduction, especially those who are rent striking and are in placement/leave.



Transformative and liberated education system

Our education system continued to be commodofied. This means our learning is negatively impacted, whilst others continue to profit. We require a free, transformative and liberated education system that serves all of us!

I will

  • Launch a demilitarized education campaign. The university invest in militarised companies who are complict in environmental degradation and colonialism. This must end!
  • Work with the Education officer to Lobby the University to open a decolonized research centre.
  • Fight for scholarships for student refugees and aslyum seekers
  • Ensure hardship fund is more accessible and not invasive
  • Increase living bursary for all students
  • Collaborate with the Disabled student officer and the Disability services to create a handbook on accessible learning and disseminate this across both academics and students.
  • Removal of library fines and ensure every student has printing allowance.
  • Conference grants for PGT students
  • Work with SSLC, Faculty and course reps to push for alternative and accessible modes of assessment
  • Fund any hidden course costs and push departments to be transparent with the true costs of their courses
  • Push back against the 'hostile environment' and the monitoring of attendance for international students



Student wellbeing at the forefront

The university refuses to tackle the seriousness of student welfare and mental health, especially those from under-represented groups. Our wellbeing needs to be at the forefront of all decisions made.

  • Campaign to remove requirement for evidence for both physical and mental health conditions when requesting mitigating circumstances.
  • Ensure that the University is connecting mitigating circumstances with fast-track counselling for students who've undergone recent trauma
  • Ensure that timetabling is released at least a month in advance. It is vital that students that have additional responsibilities can plan ahead!
  • Review the personal tutor system and ensure new personal tutor code is developed and can be extended to student-supervisor relationships.
  • Work with Welfare officer to create a 'Know Your Rights' document so that students are informed about their housing rights
  • Ensure more money is being poured into culturally competent mental health services.
  • Guaranteed campus accommodation for all new postgrad students
  • Lobby the University for increased Postgraduate Study Spaces.
  • More accessible rooms outside the library
  • Gain financial support for international students that offset rising NHS surcharge fees and visa renewals



Building strong communities on campus

As your postgraduate officer, I want to ensure that learning doesn't only take place in the classroom but through communities, family, friends and campaigns. I will support the warwick community by centering care and education and building a healthy environment


  • Launch a postgraduate cross department interdisciplinary conference that focuses on radical and transformative research
  • Lobby for improved transition and support arrangements for international students regarding academic studies and social integration
  • Create an international student buddy system for arrivals joining during the year
  • Pressure the University to open up a children's play area for students who are child carers and to extend childcare vouchers to students
  • Launch a brand new 'postgraduate @ Warwick' podcast that reveals the experiences of postgrad students, their research and achievements.
  • Work with the societies officer to increase society funding for groups that address postgraduate specific activities and events
  • Push for departments to have more cross-departments social events so that postgraduates can meet up with fellow postgrad students outside their courses.
  • Hold more and a wide range of events outside UG-term time
  • Continue to pressure the University for quicker and accessible shuttle services

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.