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Disabled Students' Officer

Saul Harvey

Disabled Students' Officer

Hello, my name is Saul and I am your Disabled students’ officer for this year. I represent all disabled students at Warwick, and I strive to make your voices heard! If you have any issues or would just like to speak to me about anything, my email is:

I’m doing a BSc in Accounting and Finance

I live in Surrey.

Fun fact about me:
I was first placed on skis at only 18 months old.

My role and what I hope to achieve this year:
I represent all students that are disabled and/or suffering from mental health issues. Some of my goals for the year include:

  • Push for better interdepartmental communication between disability services and wellbeing services as issues often arise surrounding which is the relevant department to deal with an issue but also to tackle the seemingly lacking liaison between the two departments.
  • Implement inclusivity training for disabilities and mental health illnesses for Warwick staff and society executives
  • Create a new accessible toilet map as many of the accessible toilets on campus are not large enough for wheelchair access. Will also include assistance dog “spend areas”.
  • Work with staff to create a full guide on how to access mental health services at Warwick and how to decide which service is appropriate for the situation.
  • Work with staff to create a guide for applying for DSA (Disabled Students’ Allowance) and how to collect evidence.

Saul Harvey


The election for this role takes place during our Spring Elections in Term 2. You can find out more about this role and the others available by visiting our elections webpages.

Find out more about SU elections

View my manifesto

View my vote count