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Candidate for the position of Vice President for Postgraduate Students





Plain Text Manifesto:


Vote SOPHIE BOURNE for Vice President Postgraduate

Hello, I'm Sophie- an MA student in the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance. I want to represent you in the SU to ensure that the voices of all postgraduate students are heard, including research students and those based at the Gibbet Hill site.

I will fight for:

  • Improved community for PG students
  • Transparency from your SU
  • A more inclusive Students’ Union
  • A liberated, decolonised, and sustainable campus

My Experience:

  • Decolonise Advocate & PGT Arts Faculty Rep 2024 - 2025
  • NUS Conference Delegate 2023
  • Chair of Winchester History Society & Alternative Music Society
  • Part-time Student Officer @ Winchester Student Union

Improved community for PG students:

  • More PG focused events, including more wellbeing events, chances to meet other PG students at the start of term, and events outside of UG term-time
  • Work with Postgrad Society to have the Graduate open for casual PG usage and more society events
  • Implement PG careers events with chances to network with alumni from your course or department
  • Lobby the Uni for bigger and better PG study space, like working with the library to improve the facilities in the PG Hub
  • Work with the Widening Participation team to improve the financial support on offer for PGT students
  • Work with the Uni to develop Postgraduate Orientation for students new to Warwick to understand its systems and processes

Transparency from your SU:

  • Ensure regular updates on what I’m doing for you through a monthly newsletter and updates on the SU website & social media
  • Strong open-door policy and clear information about how to get in touch with issues, concerns, or ideas

A more inclusive Students’ Union:

  • Work with university and local bus companies to improve bus services to campus from Coventry, Kenilworth, and Leamington Spa
  • Provide free anti-spiking products in the Copper Rooms and SU bars like cup covers, bottle caps, and free drink testing if you think your drink has been spiked
  • Work with VP Sports & VP Societies to ensure teams and societies are accessible and inclusive for postgrads, including PGR students
  • Work alongside VP Welfare and Campaigns to ensure PG students are considered and included in campaign initiatives

A liberated, decolonised, & sustainable campus:

  • Develop the Decolonise Collective including a full week for Decolonisation Campaign events
  • Bigger, improved Liberation Conference
  • Continue campaigning for a demilitarised campus, building on existing links with student-led campaigns and recent SU successes
  • Support Student-Staff collaboration such as the Student Staff Solidarity Network and Warwick Stands with Palestine
  • Embed sustainability into SU structures and lobby university to make more sustainable choices, to create a greener campus

If you have any questions, please do get in touch via my campaign page on Instagram, @sophiebourneforVPpostgrad or email me at

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.