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Candidate for the position of Vice President for Sports

Image for Ollie Seal

Ollie Seal

Ollie Seal for Sports VP
'Seal the Deal'

Why Me:
As Sports VP I will be committed to helping every student and society become the best that they can be, ensuring inclusivity and diversity, assisting those previously left out

Affordable federation fees
Assist societies with lowering costs
Break down social 
barriers into sports
Increase accessibility

Welfare Forum representative
Active member on Student Council  
Treasurer to a large society
Done a bunch of sports over my life such as running, pole dancing, biking etc
Loads of political experience including a PAIS degree and campaigning in the General Election

I will be unbiased and offer comprehensive support to all clubs in terms of funding and advice
I aim to establish a pot of money which underprivileged students can utilise to help with sports stuff 
Help other clubs around campus afford sports kits as I know there is a big enjoyment out of having matching sports clothes
Try and positively change the culture in sports to lift (haha) new people up and help them fit in

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.