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Candidate for the position of LGBTQUA+ Officer

Image for Jessie Yu and Mattie Oke

Jessie Yu and Mattie Oke

Jessie & Mattie For LGBTQUA+

Jessie (She/Her)

I am a lesbian and a 2nd year Philosophy, Politics and Economics student. As an international student, I am interested in improving welfare for queer students from across the world. I have been the Outreach Officer for Warwick PLAN.

Mattie (He/They)

I’m Mattie, a 2nd year Maths student. As a Pansexual on campus, I am interested in LGBTQUA+ representation, ducks and crochet. I am Social secretary for PLAN regularly running events to create an inclusive and stronger community, often collaborating with Pride. I am also on welfare forums, striving for a better student environment.


  • Advocate for gender-neutral toilets in new buildings to support the well-being of queer students.
  • Provide free period products in men's toilets.
  • Organize more queer-themed events during Queer History Month, such as movie nights and guest speaker events.
  • Improve pronoun options on university systems such as evision, allowing for more inclusive choices like he/they and she/they.
  • Update welfare training to include current LGBTQ+ issues and concerns.
  • Launch a Queer Culture Campaign to support queer students internationally:
    • Create an accommodation fund to provide financial aid and safe housing for international students who feel unsafe at home due to their queer identity.
    • Expand mental health resources for students who cannot safely come out at home, including guidance on coming out at university and a feedback form for queer students.

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.