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Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of President

Image for Muneeba Amjad

Muneeba Amjad







I am:

  • Your Current VP Education

  • A Physics with Astrophysics graduate

  •  A previous Exec Officer for Autism at Warwick (22-24), Warwick Enable [23-24), and Warwick Knitting and Crochet Society (23-24)


As your VP of Education, I have:

  • Successfully lobbied with the NUS for the abolition of guarantors and to improve the renters reform bill.

  • Proposed an earlier release date for the exam timetable.

  • Advocated for Decolonisation, Demilitarisation. and Sustainability across the campus, particularly at careers fairs such as the STEM fair.

  • Increased awareness (+7% from last year) and participation of Academic Representatives, with over 200 reps attending the welcome conference.

  • Begun implementing various improvements to the reasonable adjustments processes.



#1: Cost of living


I will:

- Work with the VP Societies and Sports to look at

reducing federation fees even further, increasing

access to societies and clubs for all.

- Continue to work with Stagecoach to provide better services and continue provision of free bus

passes for students who need it most - I will also

advocate for lobbying at a regional/national level

for lower bus prices with NUS England

- Advocate for making the University's hardship fund more accessible, and look to extend this

provision to include things such as printer credits.



#2: SU Transparency


I will:

- Work with the VP Democracy and Development to ensure that ASVs are protected when required, and outcomes are clearly communicated to students.

- Increase options for students to make changes within the SU through more efficient and

accessible processes, such as the recently introduced ideas platform.



#3: Improving Education


I will:

- Continue vital decolonisation work within the curriculum alongside the VP Education and decolonisation advocates, and push for more inclusive practices across departments.

- Give faculty and academic representatives a stronger voice by continuing the consistency of their representation on University committees.

- Continue ongoing work on accessibility by improving the mitigating circumstances process

and personal tutoring alongside the Dean of Students, VP Welfare and Campaigns, and VP Education, improving clarity and consistency of

support processes across all departments.



#4: Safety and Wellbeing


I will:

- Continue the Safer Warwick campaign started by the current President (Enaya), including the roll

out of the Safezone app.

- Advocate for greater inclusivity in sports and events alongside VP Welfare and Campaigns, including: the continuation of the Women's Night In, sober nights and events such as That Friday Feeling, revitalising self defence classes for people of marginalised genders, and advocating for safer club nights.



#5 Sustainability


I will:

- Continue my and Enaya's current work on the demilitarisation campaign, pushing the university

to divest from all companies involved in weapons manufacturing. including indirectly.

- Continue to work with Student Opportunity to incorporate sustainability into larger scale careers fairs, namely the STEM Fair.

- Ensure the Thrift Thursdays events continue into

the next year, reducing clothing waste on campus

- Work with Sustainability Forum to advocate for more ethical sponsorships within the SU.






Follow our campaign on Instagram:



@ Muneeba4Pres

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.