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Candidate for the position of Ethnic Minorities Officer

Image for Riann Mehta

Riann Mehta


Riann for EMO

Instagram: @riannforemo

About Me

  • 1st-year PPE (Philosophy, Politics & Economics) undergraduate.

  • Committed to liberating ethnic minorities in the SU from barriers by pushing for cultural events, food choices, club nights, and the eradication of rising racism on campus and locally.


  • Enforce Compulsory Society BAME Officers
  • Push for Affordable, Cultural Food Variety at Rootes
  • Work with the SSLC to decolonise the curriculum
  • Stand against hatred by addressing systemic issues
  • Invariably hold the university accountable for complicity in fascist regimes and genocide
  • Push for cultural club nights to appreciate our heterogeneity


  • A former sixth-form Senior ED&I Ambassador
  • A Fresher's Rep and Secretary of two political societies
  • Member of the Welfare Forum, sitting on the Student Council
  • Taking part in protests in defence of minorities

Rights Proposed

  • International students should not feel alienated
  • Cultural foods should be universally affordable
  • Students should be educated on matters concerning minorities


  • I will make the university accepting and welcoming for all ethnicities. 

Fighting the Fascists

  • The rise of far-right politics is accompanied with hostility towards immigrants and people of colour, whom I will fight for.

Standing in Solidarity

  • I will host, fund and encourage events to stand in solidarity with the oppressed and prevent any institutional mistreatment.

Holding the University Accountable

  • I will democratically pressure the university to act in the interests of minority students and minorities facing harm worldwide.

Tackling Racism

  • I will push for Anti-Racist training to tackle unconscious bias and structural issues, wherein discrimination stems.
  • My work in tandem with the prerogative of the SSLC will be used to encourage an inclusive, representative learning environment.

Incorporating Festivities and Diversity

  • Ethnic Minorities deserve to be represented both in academic and non-academic environments. I will grant cultural initiatives with the funding that they deserve.

Success Through Wellbeing

  • BAME Officers, whom I will make mandatory for all SU societies, will be trained in securing the best environments for all ethnicities.


BAME Officers and Curriculum

  • I will ensure compulsory BAME Officers in each society to prevent the spread of hatred such as that seen in the Tories' antisemitic scandal.
  • I will work with SSLC to remove the Colonial and Western narratives entrenched in academic curriculum.

The Fight for Democracy

  • I will personally host monthly drop-in sessions to account for people's views and experiences, to improve democracy. I will also continue to encourage protests for the liberation of all oppressed ethnicities such as that of Palestinians.


  • I will campaign to increase funding for on-campus festivities including religious holidays.
  • I will push for club nights that represent diverse cultural music.


  • I will push for more affordable world foods in Rootes.
  • I will take in any suggestions from people with ethnic minority backgrounds on how to encourage fair representation throughout the university.

Thank you for reading my manifesto! Vote Riann for EMO (Ethnic Minorities Officer)!


Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.