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View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Vice President for Societies



Anshuman: Man With A Plan

My Plan

  • Cut Red Tape

  • Save Our societies

  • Reduce Sexual Misconduct

  • Improve Welfare Training

  • Lower Socs Fee

  • Welcome All Students

  • Provide Continuity

  • Provide Up-to-date Info

  • Work with the uni

  • Increase Funds

  • Steal

  • Improve This Manifesto!

Need more detail?

Here it is:

  • Cut Red Tape - mainly focusing on risk assessments by streamlining them & other paperwork proceures societies have to deal with, especially when it comes to tours/trips.

  • Save Our Societies - make a list of socs that need your help & give them a page so you know they exist, societies disappear all the time due to low numbers. Will also make a list of societies that used to exist so that it is easier for them to get brought back. ALL SOCS DESERVE A CHANCE!

  • Reduce Sexual Violence - will work with welfare & other FTOs to do this, this job requires me to work as part of a team so I will consider issues that affect our students even if not specific to societies! Why I think this matters? Look at warwickriot on insta & tell me it doesn't.

  • Improve Welfare Training - linking to above, I will work to make welfare training more useful to exec & everyone else so that it has more value than being something you just do due to eing a welfare officer so that you can use the skills acquired to safely help people you care about deal with all sorts of circumstances.

  • Lower Socs Fee - this will make societies more accessible & make it easier for you to support the societies you love by being able to support them through membership or by attending their paid events.

  • Welcome all students - Mature student? Postgrad? Vegan? International student? I will work to make societies more accessible for all of you!

  • Provide Continuity - I will continue the efforts of the previous socs officers before me to make things for societies as certain processes take more than simply a year so will consider their input & make sure what they have done is not wasted​!

  • Provide Up-to-date Info - Certain SU pages ought to have info accessile to all stuents e.g. the Socs forum page does not have meetting details which means students unable to attend miss out on critical info

  • Work with the uni - estalish closer links ewteen the societies and university departments that are relevent to them to allow for etter events

  • Increase Funds - reach out to groups who's interests align with us in order to acquire more funding opportunities & grants for societies.

  • Steal - take ideas implemented at other universities and use them to help make things better for our societies and all students.

  • Improve This Manifesto! - Make changes to this manifesto in light of student needs and demands.

Currently Held Exec Positions (prior to elections)

  • Writing Society Publicity Officer & Secretary

  • Postgraduate Society Publicity Officer (I am an undergrad but I got if for a reason!)

  • Astronomy Society Vice President

  • Vegsoc Secretary

Other experience

  • Member of Public Speaking & Debating & many other societies!

  • Physics

Why I want to run?

  • I want to run as I am a hoarder by nature so I value all societies. They are ideas that bring people together, which is why I value them. I have been involved with a lot of societies and even the ones I haven't hear of matter cos they matter to the people who made them & the people who attend them so I want them to live as long as possible. Not just live but thrive. They provide fun, comfort, opportunities and so much more!

  • I like their logos, their pages, their history, their drama and their differences.

  • I would help a society even if I hated all the people in it as long as they aren't misusing it.

  • It is a full time role, which means I can properly give my time to helping societies and the students in them as I am earning money (I put effort and thought into each exec position I do - I provide my input and my ideas while losing money - time is money - getting free pizza feels good & helping societies as socs vp will feel even better cos I will get money to bo something worthwhile so I WILL ENJOY IT!)

  • I like the campus environment and being able to meet people from all over

  • It is a great opportunity - the role demands a lot so I will learn a lot from it - but only if I give it my best!

  • I am running to be the best Socs VP possible - anything less is pointless.

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.