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Candidate for the position of Environment and Ethics Officer

Image for Helena Ratcliffe

Helena Ratcliffe


Restore Warwick's reputation as a green university!


About me:

  • 1st year Politics and International Studies (PAIS) student
  • PAIS course rep - experience working with the SU on SSLC
  • Head of sixth form climate committee - led campaigns to increase the sustainability of my secondary school
  • Passionate climate change campaigner - fighting for young people’s futures
  • Member of Climate Reality, Oxfam




My pledges to you 

Waste Management:

From 2024-25 People and Planet ranked Warwick’s sustainability 82nd out of 149 UK universities... The lowest scoring category was sustainable food

Food waste bins in all campus accoms - Despite efforts of students, the university fails to provide a system for sustainably disposing of food waste. Food waste can be used in various ways - as fertiliser or to generate clean energy.

More vape, battery and gum disposal bins around campus - Increase the amount that is recycled around campus.

Dual recycling and general waste bins outside as well as in all campus buildings - Increase opportunities to recycle and prevent unnecessary landfill

Sustainable buildings:

Automatic lights on shorter timers in campus accoms & buildings - Reduce electricity usage by ensuring lights turn off after periods of low movement. Set timers so lights don’t turn on in the daytime.

Increase energy efficiency of campus buildings and their renewable energy mix - Encourage alternative forms of energy generation such as solar panels

Push for ethical university investors - Ensure a proper vetting process and investigation of sponsors that pays attention to the working conditions, ethical sourcing and environmental impact of companies

Ethical internships - Make a conscious effort to invite more green companies to careers events - increasing student opportunities to engage with ethical organisations.



Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.