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Candidate for the position of Trans Students’ Officer

Image for ROWAN PIPE



Rowan for Trans Student Officer

About Me and My Experience! 

Hi! I’m Rowan, a first year transfeminine Sociology student! My personal hobbies include Chess and Formula One, while my academic interests are queer liberation with a specific focus on Queer people in Sex Work.

I am currently a Campaigns Officer for Warwick Pride Society which is a role that has allowed me to be a voice for queer and trans students primarily through running events during Pride History Month and helping with the running of the Gender Expression Fund. I have also previously been a part of leafleting, as well as designing posters, for the Green Party MP Adrian Ramsay!

My Manifesto

Ensure that through staff training and active discussions, as well as collaborating with the LGBTQUA+ Officer(s), SU policy puts anti-exclusion at their core.

Expand on existing support for trans students by holding wellbeing sessions for trans students to give a place to those who do not feel heard or supported by Wellbeing Services to come together.

Work alongside support services and the Widening Support Officer to make information surrounding financial help more accessible for trans students who are disproportionality affected by the cost of living crisis.

Give trans students more agency by making the process of displaying a preferred name on SU related spaces not require students to do the same through the University’s Student Records.

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.