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What are SSLCs?

What are SSLCs?

SSLC stands for ‘Student-Staff Liaison Committee’.

SSLCs are committees made up of elected student representatives, also known as Course Reps, and members of staff, also known as Academic Convenors. They are student led and provide an area for students and staff to discuss ideas and solve problems connected with teaching, learning and student support. SSLCs allow students to have a say on their course, their department, and their resources and is a great way to input into your university. They also provide an opportunity for the department to consult with students and receive feedback on new proposals.

Students are elected to the position of course rep by their peers, and represent their course and year in the SSLC. By becoming a Course Rep you will be ensuring that students have input into their degree programmes and syllabi Course Reps enjoy full support from the Students’ Union: the Academic Representation Coordinator, Education Policy Manager and Education Officer. Introductory training will be provided early in term one to allow you to perform on the SSLC to the highest standard possible. As a Course Rep you must attend the SSLC meetings and maintain a dialogue with students on your course throughout the year.