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What issues do Course Reps deal with?

What issues do Course Reps deal with?

SSLCs should provide an accessible forum to enable students to discuss teaching, learning and student support issues with staff in an open manner, within the framework of a formal structure. The department should consult with the SSLC on new proposals, including changes to courses. Issues up for discussion could include:

  • Timetabling
  • Feedback
  • Course costs (not including fees)
  • Reading lists
  • Library resources
  • E-resources
  • Seminar sizes
  • Exam guidance
  • Communication issues

This list is not exhaustive. Any issue related to your teaching and learning is relevant to discuss, the only rule is that you should NEVER discuss individual lecturers or students or refer to anyone by name - any issues with individuals should be discussed with personal tutors or with the Academic Convenor outside of a meeting situation.

Bringing realistic solutions to a meeting can mean that situations are resolved faster, and that staff are more receptive to your points - if they don't know what you want then they can't do anything about it! It also makes you seem more productive than if you just go in with a list of problems.

Student with an issue? Find out who your Course Rep is here - they will be able to take your issue to the next meeting or advise you of how to resolve it. They may choose to research it and find out how widely felt the issue is before taking it to a meeting.