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Annual Reports

The SSLC system is a key mechanism for ensuring the overall quality of provision at Warwick. It is vital that copies of SSLC minutes and Annual Reports are kept on file in departments to be made available to internal and external reviewers, and also submitted to the Students’ Union Academic Voice Coordinator on an ongoing basis for publication. Assessment of quality takes place internally through Annual Course Review and Strategic Departmental Review, and externally through the QAA’s Institutional Audit process.

Why do SSLCs Need to Write an Annual Report?

All SSLCs are required to complete a report during the summer term detailing their student-staff liaison work. The report form should be completed with the participation of the whole SSLC. It serves four main functions:

  • To ensure that SSLCs are operating effectively.
  • To enable students to highlight issues which have been experienced during the year.
  • To provide examples of good practice in the operation of the SSLC and highlight what the SSLC has accomplished during the year.
  • To enable the Students’ Union and the University to consider any common issues experienced by SSLCs.

The SSLC Coordinators read every Annual Report and the Education Officer writes a summary report, highlighting common issues and themes discussed across the University. This summary report is considered by a number of University committees and relevant administrative and service departments, which can recommend or take action to address student concerns, or spread good practice.

The previous year’s report should be an item on the agenda of the first meeting of the new academic year and progress reported on any unresolved issues. SSLC Annual Report forms can be downloaded from the SSLC Portal.

Annual Report deadlines 2015/16

Undergraduate: 30th May 2016

Postgraduate: 4th July 2016

Reports should be typed and sent via e-mail to Teaching Quality,  & Warwick SU, simultaneously.

Remember: The SSLC annual report is one way that the University finds out what YOU, the student is thinking; it is crucial that this is sent to the University on time, otherwise your views will not be heard.

Guidance on Writing the Annual Report

Ideally, the report should be discussed at a meeting of the SSLC. If this is not possible, it should be circulated to the members of the SSLC for comment and signed off by the Chair or Secretary. The report should be submitted by a student member of the SSLC.

The report should be typed and should contain enough detail to highlight in an informative way the issues discussed during the year and action taken.