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Course Representative Resources

Homepage for Course Reps

Welcome to the Rep Resources page, where you will find useful information to support you in your role as a rep.


Is your manifesto ready?

Below are some ideas for preparing your manifesto:

  • Exciting ideas - Have you already got some ideas in mind of what changes you would carry out? What can you bring to this role? Let everyone know by putting these into your manifesto. 

  • Skills for the role - Are you organised? Approachable? Confidential? 

  • Prior experience - Maybe you have carried out a similar role/ job that has given you the skills to carry out this role. 

  • Feedback - In order to make changes, you need to recieve feedback, how will you carry this out? 

We hope this helps! Good luck! 



Course Rep Resources

The following resources have been created to help support you at SSLC's. Click on the links below to download useful templates for the 2019/2020 academic year. 

1. Action Tracker:

2. Agenda Template:

3. Annual Report Template

4. Minutes Template: