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Meet the team


Andy Bastable (Facilities & Safety Manager )

I am on my second attempt at completing Couch to 5K.

I walk around 5K a day while doing my job.

I do very little else in term of exercise other than occasional strolls but since starting Couch to 5K, I do try to walk more than I used to rather than just automatically jumping in the car for a 3 minute journey to the shops for a bottle of milk. I have noticed quite a difference from a health point of view since doing this (mainly positive but with a couple of minor injuries and pulled muscles too!)

Sarah Richards (Graphic Designer)

I am one of the Graphic Designers at Warwick SU.

To keep fit and healthy I like to mix it up a little – find me competing on the badminton court (great for stress relief!), sweating it out in a gym class or attempting to find my inner yogi on the mat. I love nothing more than grabbing my camera and heading off to explore somewhere new. Life is an adventure after all.

Lauren Smith (HR Adviser)

In my spare time I enjoy keeping fit by regularly going to the gym, going kickboxing.  I also teach kickboxing and have done for about 4 years now.  I have recently purchased a motorhome so am enjoying going off on adventures, very nice when it can be spur of the moment too and quite a step up from camping which I also loved to do.  I am currently trying to learn more about different foods, nutrition and their benefits and am trying out different recipes. 

Alexis (Catering Manager)

I absolutely love food! Aside from my job here at Warwick I am a Level 3 Nutritional Consultant, and an instructor at a local Bootcamp.  My favourite way to relax is reading recipe books, trying out new healthy recipes, and learning about the amazing ways different foods can help both your physical and mental health.  I also like running, going to the gym, and I am currently trying to learn to skateboard!

Kate Dolan (HR Director)

I'm Kate, the HR Director for Warwick SU and MSL.  I have been working here for eight years.  My favourite activity is spending time with my two very active children - and I love going on long scenic walks.  I am also a big fan of meditation.