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Warwick Student Arts Festival

SU Societies

Warwick Students Arts Festival


What is WSAF?

Taking place at the end of the June, Warwick Student Arts Festival (WSAF) is the biggest and most exciting student-led Arts Festival in the country. Established three years ago, it is a week long celebration of the diversity and wealth of creative talent the of has to offer. The festival is run entirely by students, with hundreds of designers, performers and volunteers. During the festival itself thousands of students, University staff, parents, friends and members of the local community flock to campus to support the wide range of events.

An eclectic mix of art, music, dance, drama, poetry, film and so much more, last year's festival featured nearly 70 events from over 30 different societies. From bellydancing to Pirates of Penzance, from wax painting to cabaret hits. From photographic exhibitions, to original seven minute films produced in 24 hours, to previews of Edninburgh Fringe Festvial productions, to an outdoor screening of Finding Nemo, the diversity of events was simply awe-inspiring.

Anyone can submit an event and, most importantly, the entire week is planned and run by students.

Do you want to be on the Exec of WSAF 2007?

Planning is about to get into full swing, and we’re looking for a team of enthusiastic, innovative and dedicated people to form the WSAF Executive Committee. It’s not an easy job, but will be lots of fun, so if you’re interested, read on, and get in touch.

The positions available are:

Finance and Sponsorship Manager
Marketing Manager
Venue Manager (Arts Centre, Union, Piazza)
Technical Coordinator
Event Programmer

To apply for all exec positions please fill in the application form and return it to the Resources Room by Sunday 12th November (Week 6).  Interviews will take place on Wednesday 15th November (Week 7) between 2pm and 6pm and will last about 15 minutes.