This is the DEV site.

Union Support Society

SU Societies

SU Societies





Our Purpose:

Warwick Support Society exists to support students in dealing with personal problems by providing a free, safe place in which to discuss them.

Aims and Objectives:
  1. To connect people with similar circumstances, needs or experiences, in order to facilitate the possibility of discussion-based peer-to-peer support.
  2. To provide advice, support, and possible models to any members who wish to set up "ad hoc" groups to cover various issues or experiences as described in paragraph (a).
  3. To review any peer-to-peer groups set up as a result of connections made through the society's membership.
  4. To refer, where neccessary, students to other support services on campus or in the local area.

An online forum will be open by week four where we are hoping to catalogue advice for and by students at Warwick, as well as to create a safe space for discussion of many issues affecting students at Warwick.

If you have any feedback to give us about the kind of information you would like to see (or might be able to provide) on the website, or have any questions or suggestions at all please contact us on

Remember, to stay aware of all the new developments to the society over the coming year join our society for FREE through the SU Website (or £3 for associate membership).




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