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Accident Reporting

Accident Report forms are needed for any injuries that happen during any time of the year. This enables the Students' Union to monitor what has been done and how severe the situation is. It also allows the Students' Union to make any necessary changes going forward.

They are required for the following;

  • Accident Report forms are required following any injury that requires medical attention and all head injuries.
  • If the club host an event or charity event and nothing happens, the club are still required to submit an Accident Report form stating this.
  • If the club have a Trip or Tour and nothing happens, the club are still required to submit an Accident Report form stating this.
  • If the club have a Ball and nothing happens, the club are still required to submit an Accident Report form stating this.
  • If an injury is sustained on a social or during training, an Accident Report form is required.

Accident report forms are not required for the following;

  • If nothing happens during training or a social, an Accident Report form is not required

Click on the link below to access a form;

Accident Report Form

All forms are to be sent to 


First Aid packs are supplied by the SU when a society is going on a trip/tour. They can be collected from the Societies Office on Level 1 in the WarwickSU building.

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