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Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Step 7: Tickets

Create an event page on the SU website using the Events admin tool.  This can be made visible only to Execs if you want to restrict access until tickets go on sale.  Once you have created the page this will be the Event URL required for the Ticketing form.

Complete the online Ticketing form to have your tickets created – remember to include customisation questions to get important information (menu selections, contact details for non-members, any special dietary requirements or allergy details, special access requirements, etc). 

Specify the dates you want the tickets on sale – remember that you must give enough notice for tickets to be set up in advance of your sales period (these dates can be found on the Timings page of the spreadsheet).

Specify the quantities and prices for all ticket variants – typically this will be Members and Non-Members.  The spreadsheet will calculate the different prices for you and give you the quantities breakdown (the red numbers on the Tickets page) you need to quote on the Ticketing form.

If you want to be able to message ticket-holders with information in the build-up to the event ask for a ticket purchasers group to be populated on the Ticketing request – you will have to create a group (using the Groups online admin tool) and provide the name of this new group on the Ticketing form.

Any message you would like sent to ticket purchasers (as an automatic receipt) can also be included in your request.

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