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Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Step 2: Date & Venue

Think about your Execs’ and Members’ commitments and availability – exams, exam preparation, dissertation and assignment deadlines, other events or competitions.  There are going to be a lot of potential bad dates and perhaps only a few good opportunities – and there may not be a perfect time for a large-scale event.  Look for dates where as many of your members as possible ought to be able to participate – the event ought to be for their benefit and you will need the ticket sales to make a Ball viable!

Also, remember that the Execs doing the planning and organisation will need to have the time available to do that alongside their studies – don’t overcommit yourselves.

Then, look for a venue that suits your purposes.  It needs to be an appropriate size for your membership, easy to get to, and suited to the occasion you want your event to be.  Check with Student Activities for ideas of where other Balls have been held if you don’t know anywhere locally.

Remember that legally your Society/Club cannot enter into a contract with a third party (the venue or other suppliers, for example) – you must get the SU to sign these on your behalf.

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