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Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Step 1: Decision

Do you want to hold a Ball?  It will require a lot of preparation over a lengthy period of time, and will have to be demonstrably viable in terms of affordability – but it would also be a high-profile and memorable activity for your members.

Important considerations include:

  • Do you have enough members to make it feasible?  If not, are there other Societies/Clubs that you could collaborate with to make a worthwhile joint Ball?
  • Do you have financial reserves that would provide a buffer in case ticket sales turn out lower than you’d hope for?  The event should cover its costs, but you ought to have sufficient contingency in hand.
  • Are you prepared to take the risk of having to cancel the event if ticket sales are too low to justify proceeding – and can your finances cover any cancellation fees that would result from this action?
  • Do you have capacity as an Exec team to commit to the planning and preparation of the Ball across several months?

If you’re confident that you are ready to plan a Ball, it’s time to move to…

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