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Warwick SU week 10 (w/c 5th December) All Member Email View Online version
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Hi everyone,
It’s Week 10, we made it! A slightly longer email than usual, but I thought I could get away with it because you then get a break from me until 2023. However, in typical food headline fashion, there are some Friday fish finger baguettes to look forward to next year.
Although fish finger baguettes do sound exciting, next term will also see the return of our Spring Officer Elections, where we elect the student leadership of the SU for the next academic year. Who knows, you could be the next President with a marketing exec chasing you around the building every Monday morning to write this email, or impressively, you could be a trustee of a very large organisation! Certainly worth a look...
Finally, please see our Cost of Living Support page and survey below, and check out the Active Bystander Intervention Course. This course is honestly amazing and I would recommend it to any student.
I hope everyone has a good Christmas break and don’t forget to take some time to yourself and relax, you all have undoubtedly earned it.
Will Brewer
SU President
Spring Officer Elections are Coming

Spring Officer Elections are Coming

See yourself as a Student Officer? Want to be involved in running your SU? Next term, you can nominate yourself or a friend for a Full-Time or Part-Time Officer position. If you’re thinking about nominating yourself, take a look at the available roles here.
Cost of Living Support

Cost of Living Support

We recognise the huge impact of the cost of living crisis on our students, and we are working closely with the University to explore ways to minimise course and transport costs, as well as ways in which we can use the campus to alleviate costs. Here are some useful resources.
Cost of Living Survey

Cost of Living Survey

We know that the cost of living crisis is impacting the lives of Warwick students, but we need your help to fully understand the scale of the challenge. Please take a few minutes to participate in our cost of living survey, so we can take action to provide support.
Fish Finger Friday

Fish Finger Friday

Introducing a brand-new offer from The Bread Oven, starting in 2023: Fish Finger Friday! Hot, succulent, crisp-coated fish fingers served to you every Friday in your choice of brown or white baguette (or gluten-free wrap), with tartare sauce/ketchup/salad/lemon. Coming soon!
Univision: Tomorrow!

Univision: Tomorrow!

Looking for a fun night out to celebrate the end of term? Come to our free Univision event tomorrow, to support Warwick talent as they audition to represent the University at the national Univision Song Contest! Doors open from 6pm in The Copper Rooms and the bar will be open.
Christmas Lunch

Christmas Lunch

If you are not able to make it home over the Christmas break, book your place for a mouth-watering traditional Christmas Lunch at The Dirty Duck on Tuesday 13th December, 1pm-2.30pm, for just £1.95! There will also be a free hangout afterwards with Christmas games.

Term 2 Event Tickets

Don’t forget, tickets for Term 2 events go on sale next Wednesday 14th December at 12pm Noon! Be the first to secure your place at POP!, Skool Dayz, Reflektor, and Loud and Proud. Pop the date in your calendars so you don’t miss out.

Active Bystander Intervention Course

The Active Bystander Intervention course is HEAR accredited and equips students with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make safe and effective interventions in response to harmful behaviours and attitudes. Find out more and register here.

Housing Deposits

Found a house for next year but unsure about your deposit? Charlotte from our friendly SU Advice Centre team breaks down what a deposit is, how it should be protected, and the support available to you if you have a query about your deposit.

Christmas Opening Times

The end of term is almost upon us! For those of you who are sticking around over Christmas, click here to see the opening times for our buildings, food and drink outlets and the SU Advice Centre. Merry Christmas from everyone at the SU!

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