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Warwick SU week 5 (w/c 1st November) All Member Email View Online version
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Hi everyone,
Thank you to those who attended our Black Brilliance launch event last week! It was a fantastic evening, filled with insightful panel discussions and inspiring stories of black people in the Warwick community and beyond.
This week sees the launch of Rate Your Landlord, our first Student Council of the year and The Green Room opening for refreshments - you can find out more below.
Have a great week!
Best wishes,
Shingai R. Dzumbira
The Green Room - Refreshments

The Green Room - Refreshments

The Green Room is now offering food and drink from 10am-6pm. You can find the space on the first floor of SUHQ. Come along to socialise, study and grab a bite to eat!
Student Council

Student Council

The first Warwick SU Student Council of the year is happening tomorrow! Use this opportunity to debate on motions and policies that you want to see implemented to enable change. Join in the debate from 4-7 pm via MS Teams here.
Rate Your Landlord

Rate Your Landlord

Fancy winning a week’s free rent? Rate Your Landlord is a brand new scheme that empowers you to rate your experience with past and current landlords. You can submit a review for every property you’ve rented as a student. Submit a rating and you could win a week’s free rent!
Society Sessions

Society Sessions

From plays to card games and yoga sessions, your Societies Officer has been getting stuck into some exciting society events and activities. Read Chih-Hsiang's blog about his experience of Small Fish by the BAME Creatives / Freshblood New Writing Society, and a game with the Bridge Society.

Sustainability Skills Survey

Complete SOS-UK’s confidential survey about your time at university and the skills you develop for getting a job, and you’ll be entered into a draw to win £500 or one of 10 £50 runner-up prizes!

Find Your Course Rep

Our newly elected Course Reps from the Autumn 2021/22 elections are available to view here. Check out who will be representing you to make your course the best it can be! Just click here, scroll down and select your course.

Stress Awareness Day

Today is Stress Awareness Day. If left unchecked, stress can cause longer-term problems with your physical and mental health. The SU Advice Centre is here for you; whether you need help, tips for managing stress or simply want to chat.

Food & Drink Offers

This week, head over to The Bread Oven for a Vegan Fiesta or Fajita Fiesta (£4.50) or over to Curiositea for their Festival of Lights Week specials! You can get a themed bubblegum shake, latte, mocha and more. View the full menus and opening times here.

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