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Warwick SU week 2 (w/c 11th October) All Member Email View Online version
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It’s Week 2!
There’s plenty going on this week, so scroll down to see what you can get involved in. Don’t forget that Autumn Elections nominations close this week – here’s a video message from me about how and why you should nominate yourself!
We’d be really appreciative if you could fill out our Teaching and Learning Survey below, so that we can represent you in the best way possible when speaking to the University. The survey closes at the end of this Wednesday, so please complete this as soon as you can.
Finally, check out all of the incredible events we have lined up to celebrate Black History Month!
Have a great week.
Best wishes,
Shingai R. Dzumbira
Teaching and Learning Survey

Teaching and Learning Survey

We know that blended learning is an area that many students have strong views about, particularly regarding whether more of your learning takes place online or in-person. Please let us know how you feel about blended learning and academic staff strikes by completing our survey.
Autumn Elections – Last Chance to Nominate!

Autumn Elections – Last Chance to Nominate!

This week is your last chance to nominate yourself for the various positions in our Autumn Elections. Could you be one of the SU’s next Part-Time Officers, Course/Faculty/Department Reps, Committee Members or NUS National Conference Delegates? Nominate yourself today!
Housing Talks

Housing Talks

The Warwick SU Advice Centre is hosting a series of ‘Housing Talks’ to support you through your accommodation journey. The first one is around house-hunting and choosing a landlord/agent, taking place online this Wednesday at 2pm. Click through to join.
Full-Time Officer Wins

Full-Time Officer Wins

Over the last couple of months, your Full-Time Officer team have been working hard to implement huge improvements to services for students, from weekly BUCS fixtures on the Big Screen to discounted parking fees for medical students and restriction-free club and society activities. Read more!
Black History Month Events

Black History Month Events

To celebrate Black History Month 2021, we’ve got a fantastic line-up of events happening throughout the month, starting with a movie night by the Warwick Africa Summit this Wednesday at 7:30pm. See the full list of events here and be sure to get involved!
One to Watch

One to Watch

Kick back, grab a drink and watch highlights from university club sports events every Friday from 4-6pm on the Big Screen, Piazza. Look out for Will Brewer, Sports Officer, handing out 50 free hot drinks vouchers and get amazing views of the screen from the Terrace Bar balcony!

Resit without Residence

Are you a student who was given the result ‘Resit Without Residence’ after August resit exams? If so, you can access the SU Advice Centre with questions about what to do next and get support through these processes. Book in an appointment through our enquiry form.

National Hate Crime Awareness Week

Hate crime has a lasting impact on victims and those close to them. The SU Advice Centre is a third party hate crime reporting centre and can assist you in accessing support following a hate crime/incident. You can also access help through the Report and Support portal.

Restart a Heart

As part of Restart a Heart Day, all students are welcome on campus at the Piazza, on Wednesday 13th October from 1:00pm, to practice Covid-safe Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).

Click and Collect at The Bread Oven

Did you know that you can order from The Bread Oven, wherever you are? To place your click and collect order, just follow this link, then choose a timeslot for collection (or ASAP). Once your order is ready, you’ll receive an SMS letting you know to come and collect it!

University Challenge Trials

Think you could be on University Challenge? Want to follow in the footsteps of last year's series-winning Warwick team? The first round of trials for Warwick's University Challenge team is now open until 24th October! Just fill in this form to apply.

Student Art Pass

Get a year of art and opportunities for £5! A Student Art Pass lets you dive into culture on a budget, with free entry to hundreds of museums and galleries across the UK, and 50% off major exhibitions. Get your £5 pass today!

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