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Warwick SU week 1 (w/c 4th October) All Member Email View Online version
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Hi everyone,
Welcome to Term 1! I'm Shingai Dzumbira, your SU President for the academic year 2021/22. I’ll be keeping you in the loop of things through these emails every Monday, so look out for them.
We are busy as usual ensuring you have the best student experience that Warwick has to offer. Autumn Elections are around the corner, so make sure you nominate yourself and then vote, vote, vote! Our new and super lush space, The Green Room, is now open, so do pay it a visit.
It’s October, which means Black History Month celebrations are underway and we will be publicising some amazing events this month that you can enjoy with your friends.
Don't forget, the SU Advice Centre is on hand to offer support for issues you may be facing, so don't hesitate to get in touch through our online enquiry form.
I’ll leave you with a quote from my favourite author: "Success is impacting the world with the investment of your personality". So this week, invest in yourself and impact your world here at the University of Warwick.
Have a successful week!
Best wishes,
Shingai R. Dzumbira
Term 1 Events: Tickets on Sale!

Term 1 Events: Tickets on Sale!

Tickets for Term 1 events are on sale now! That’s POP!, Skool Dayz, Reflektor, Karaoke Nights, Rep My Flag - Urban Halloween Edition, Halloween Party and UV Paint Party. Don’t miss out - buy your tickets today!
Autumn Elections Nominations

Autumn Elections Nominations

Nominations for the Autumn Elections are open until 12 noon on 15th October. This election is specifically to elect Course, Faculty & Department Reps, as well as Part-Time Officers and SU Committees. Find out more about the roles nominate yourself or a friend here.
The Green Room: Now Open!

The Green Room: Now Open!

The Green Room has opened its doors today! Brand new for the 2021-22 academic year, the space is for those who like to study in a more social environment. It's located on the second floor in the SU building - feel free to bring food and sit with friends!
Start a New a Society

Start a New a Society

Can’t quite find what you’re looking for in one of our 250+ societies? You can always start a new one! Check out this page for further details – you'll just need to ensure that your society is unique and not doing something a current society already does.

Quiz Nights

Test your knowledge and socialise with fellow coursemates at our weekly quizzes! The Cleverducks Quiz is happening every Thursday from 10pm in The Dirty Duck, and the Postgraduate Pub Quiz is on every Tuesday from 7pm in The Graduate.

Places to Visit Near Campus

We’ve put together some recommendations for places to visit near campus whilst studying at Warwick. First up - Chesterton Windmill, built in 1632-33 and one of Warwickshire's most famous landmarks. Take a look!

SU Advice Centre

If you're new to the University this year, you may not have heard about the support available through the SU Advice Centre yet. We offer free, confidential and impartial advice about a number of issues, such as housing and money. Find out more here.

PG Tips

PG Tips is back, in person in the Postgrad Hub! Join the sessions every Tuesday at 3pm-4pm, for a break from your studies with a tea or coffee. You can meet other postgrads and share tips on postgrad life!

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