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Warwick SU is a democratic organisation, here to represent the student voice through Elections, All Student Votes, Student Reps and student-led campaigns.
Your elected Full-Time and Part-Time Student Officers are here to represent your interests and advocate for your student experience, from welfare through to sports and societies, as well as representing specific groups of students by raising awareness of the experiences these students face at Warwick.
As members of the SU, you get great academic representation through our Course, Faculty and Department Reps, who work in partnership with the University to ensure that you have a say on your educational experience.
You can also get involved with our student-led campaigns, supported by our Campaigns team. Be sure to check out the wealth of day-time events below, organised by the team for you to enjoy during Welcome Week!
Student Officers

Student Officers

Each year, the student body elects Full-Time and Part-Time Student Officers to lead the Students' Union and help to deliver a wealth of services for you. Meet your 2021-22 Student Officers!
Autumn Elections

Autumn Elections

Have a say in how Warwick SU is run - nominations for the Autumn Elections are now open! This election is specifically to elect Course, Faculty & Department Reps, as well as Part-Time Officers and SU Committees. Find out more about the roles nominate yourself or a friend here.


Our student-led campaigns ensure that the SU represents the student voice. Whether it's on campus, locally, or (inter)nationally, every student has the ability to make a difference on issues that matter. View our campaign activity here.
Welcome Week Events

Welcome Week Events

Our Campaigns team have a whole host of online and in-person day-time events planned for Welcome Week. Find out more about student activism at Warwick by taking part in our Scavenger Hunt, show off the things you care about with Badge-Making and discover your cause with Find Your Cause!
Course Reps

Course Reps

At Warwick, student voice is at the heart of the teaching and learning experience. The SU's Course Reps are there to raise your issues to the staff on your course, to create change and make your academic experience the best it can be. Find out who your Course Reps are!
Faculty Reps

Faculty Reps

The SU's Faculty & Department Reps sit on committees across the University to represent your voice around all areas that affect your academic experience. They ensure the student voice is at the heart of the major decisions in the University. Click here to see your Reps.