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Warwick SU week 9 (w/c 21st June) All Member Email View Online version
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Hi there,
It’s Week 9! I hope your last exams and assessments have been going well and that you’re looking forward to the summer break.
We’ve got some great news as a result of our LGBTQUA+ campaigns, which you can read about below. Don’t forget, Campus Pride events are happening throughout June as part of Pride Month!
Unfortunately, we have had to cancel our POP! and Skool Dayz events scheduled for Weeks 9 and 10, as a result of the Government’s extension to Covid restrictions. We still have lots going on at the SU and in the local community that you can get involved with, so check out what’s happening below.
The SU is really looking forward to being able to put on live events for you again. If you have a spare couple of minutes, please scroll down and fill in the live events survey to let us know what kind of events you want to see next year.
If you have any thoughts, comments or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Have a great week!
All the best,
Live Events Survey

Live Events Survey

Please take a couple of minutes to help us create your new events programme, by completing this survey to let us know what you want to see in and around Welcome Week. Who knows, maybe you will attend an event you had a hand in creating!
LGBTQUA+ Campaigns Update

LGBTQUA+ Campaigns Update

It's Pride Month and we have a lot to celebrate! Click through to read about a newly introduced pronouns field in student records and sanitary bins in all toilets. You can also find out how to get involved in Campus Pride events and the Queering University Programme.
POP! and Skool Dayz

POP! and Skool Dayz

Following the decision by the Government to delay the removal of the remaining Covid restrictions by four weeks, our POP! and Skool Dayz events scheduled for Weeks 9 and 10 are unfortunately no longer able to go ahead. Read the full update here.
City of Culture: Comedy Showcase

City of Culture: Comedy Showcase

Livestreamed to your own home - an incredible night of co-created comedy, featuring stand-up comedians from refugee and migrant backgrounds, mentored by award-winning comedian Tom Parry and Coventry comedian Stella Graham. Book online for free!

EveryBody Blogs

Thanks to everyone who contributed to our recent callout for EveryBody blogs. You can now read one student’s journey to becoming body positive here. We’re always looking for students who'd like to champion or build the EveryBody movement; get in touch via!

University Update: Covid Restrictions

Following confirmation from the Government that Covid restrictions will continue at the current level until 19 July, here’s an overview on what that means for students at Warwick, including teaching and assessment, facilities on campus and staying safe.

Summer of Sport

Summer of Sport sessions continue into Week 9, with badminton and squash on offer. Remember, you don't need a sports club membership to join in! Why not try something new? Head over to our social media channels to sign up.


As a student community, we are proactively educating ourselves and others about consent. Check out two brand new blogs as part of our #WeGetConsent campaign, on the topics of saying no and sexual autonomy.

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