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Warwick SU week 8 (w/c 14th June) All Member Email View Online version
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Hi there,
We're nearing the end of term, and, for many of you, that means you'll no doubt be looking forward to the end of exams and assessments. I hope all the exams are going well and wish you the best of luck for the last few!
Regardless of the news Boris delivers to the UK this evening, we've still got loads planned over at the SU, as you can see below, and we're still working to make sure there's enough entertainment and things to do on-campus over the next few weeks, and into the Summer vacation period.
As ever, if you have any thoughts/comments/suggestions, please do get in touch.
Have a great week!
All the best,
Liberation Conference

Liberation Conference

Liberation Conference 2021 starts this Friday! This student-led, 3-day conference runs from 18th - 20th June and is committed to exploring different strains of liberation through workshops and panel discussions. Register for your free ticket now.
Party Smart

Party Smart

Today we launch Party Smart - our drug and alcohol harm reduction campaign. To support you in making an informed choice, we've put together some harm reduction resources to help you stay as safe as possible and party smart!
Strategic Plan 2021-25

Strategic Plan 2021-25

We are proud to be able to launch our new Strategic Plan for 2021-25, which has factored in students' feedback from the recent member consultation. The document sets out our ambitious plans for the next five years, and how we can be held accountable for delivering them.
Coventry Welcomes Festival

Coventry Welcomes Festival

Coventry Welcomes celebrates the brilliant contribution that refugees and migrants make to our city. From comedy to podcasts, from creative workshops to lively debates, live theatre to poetry by Zoom, see the full programme online.

Moving Out

Our annual Moving Out campaign is back! Moving out is always a challenging time, but we hope to make it somewhat smoother with our information and guidance. Check out our Moving Out webpage for hints and tips.

Consent Collective Demo

Come along on Wednesday 16th June at 14.00-14.30 to watch an online live demo of Consent Collective TV - a potential new, online resource for the Warwick community, which focuses on consent and healthy relationships.

Men’s Health Week

This week it’s Men’s Health Week and we’re focusing on men’s mental health. Men’s Health Forum’s ‘CAN DO’ approach is built on five proven, evidence-based ways to wellbeing, which are set out in this ‘MOT for the Mind’ booklet.

Walk Talk Walk

Walk Talk Walk is a weekly 3-5km walk around campus, as a part of the wider Run Talk Run initiative. It’s free to join for all university members and the local community. The first session is taking place in the evening on 17th June. Register via the myCrew app!

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