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Warwick SU week 6 (w/c 31st May) All Member Email View Online version
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Hi there,
I hope you’ve had a great bank holiday weekend, and that all of your exams and assessments so far this term have been going to plan.
This week is Union Awards week, where we will be celebrating those students and groups who have made a real impact on campus, whether that be through campaigning and activism, or the organisation of society events. There’s more information below – be sure to check out the livestreams throughout the week!
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been working with the University to try and find out the approach students want to teaching and learning next year. If you have any comments or thoughts on how you think teaching should be delivered, please do drop me an email. The University are currently aiming to have students on-campus for most teaching, although are keen to harness and keep some of the positive elements of the blended model. Your thoughts on this would be much appreciated.
As ever, if you have any thoughts/comments/concerns/suggestions, please get in touch by email, and I’ll do my best to help.
Have a cracking week!
All the best,
Transforming Education Awards Livestream

Transforming Education Awards Livestream

The Transforming Education Awards recognises staff members who have gone above and beyond to support their students. We will be celebrating the nominees and winners with an online event, taking place tomorrow at 5pm. Follow this link to watch live!
Union Awards Livestreams

Union Awards Livestreams

The results livestreams for the Union Awards are happening this week! Watch the Student Voice & Impact Awards on Wednesday 2nd June at 5pm and the Societies Awards on Friday 4th June at 7pm. Click on the ‘Watch Live’ tab under each Awards page to access the livestreams.
Campus Pride

Campus Pride

Happy Pride Month! Campus Pride is here… and you’re invited. See what’s happening in this exciting summer-long programme of pride and celebration, including a live DJ night, workouts, panel discussions and quizzes. Get involved!
Summer of Sport

Summer of Sport

Sports clubs will be holding free sessions open to students of all abilities, even if you don’t have a membership, until the end of Term 3. Keep an eye out on our social media channels for information on the events and how to join in.

Green Week Event Videos

Following on from our event-packed Green Week 21 - ‘The Climate Crisis is Already Here’ - back in March, the event videos are now available to watch. Check out the video playlist here, and don’t forget, you can still send us your content!

Food Waste Tips

Find yourself wasting more food the busier you get this term? As part of our Not for the Bin campaign, we’ve put together some tips to help you reduce your food waste, save yourself money and improve environmental sustainability.

Study Drug Safety

There is no way to take study drugs 100% safely. However, we know that many of you see study drugs as the only viable option, and we want to ensure that you make informed choices to be as safe as possible. Read our study drug safety tips here.

Dating Someone with a Mental Illness

Talking about mental health with a new partner can often feel like a big deal. Check out our latest student blog with advice and tips on dating someone with a mental illness.

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