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Warwick SU
Week 2 All Member Email
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Hello Postgrads,
I hope you’ve all had a fabulous first week of term! Here’s a quick update of what things we have going on for PG students this week…
Nominations are open for our Postgrad Experience Exec, and you can run to be a part of it! As a member of the exec, you will be able to help the SU work better for postgraduate students, support postgraduate representation, oversee and review motions. You will run on a manifesto of your own ideas, which we will work together to deliver! It would be great to have you part of the team. You have until Friday October 11th at 1pm - if you have any questions about running, please let me know!
On Friday, Warwick Pride Postgraduate and Mature Group will be hosting a mixer at 7pm in The Graduate. Warwick Pride PG&M Group run a variety of mixers and events for students who are LGBTUA+ throughout the year.
We will be hosting a Postgraduate Sunday Lunch in The Graduate from 1-3pm this Sunday, where you can come have Sunday dinner and meet some new Postgraduates. Please feel free to come along, either alone or with your friends - you can buy tickets on the website for only £5.
Finally, please feel free to submit any suggestions for what you would like to see from Warwick SU for postgraduate students to me. I may use your suggestions to put up on our Suggestions Board in The Graduate.
I hope all have a great week!
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