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Warwick SU Week 7 All Member Email View Online version
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Hi everyone,
Following the events of the past week and beyond, as an SU we would like to first assure you that we stand in uncompromising solidarity with the Black community and those demonstrating against anti-Black systemic racism across the US and the world. 
Racial injustice is happening globally and here at Warwick, and it is the responsibility of the privileged to learn, reflect and use our voices to fight for change. This week, this is our main focus and as a result we have postponed our Union Awards until further notice, alongside other activity to ensure that we are directing our efforts where they are needed the most. 
For those feeling traumatised, hurt and upset by what is happening around us, we encourage you to prioritise your wellbeing at this time.  Tiana Holgate, Welfare & Campaigns Officer, has put together some self-care tips to help you in doing this, which you can find on the SU Facebook page.
Please find a full statement of solidarity, support and resources from the Sabbatical Officer team.
Best wishes, 
Ben Newsham
Warwick SU President

Black Lives Matter.

Following the events of the past week and beyond, please find a full statement of solidarity, support and resources from the Sabbatical Officer team.

Union Awards postponed

Given recent events, it did not feel appropriate to hold the Union Awards this week, so they have been postponed until further notice. Please keep an eye on our social channels for further info.

Campus Pride 2020

We’re one of over 20 Students’ Unions from around the UK organising Campus Pride 2020, a summer-long programme of pride and celebration.

Looking for work over summer and beyond?

Current SU Societies Officer, Luke Mepham, blogs about the support available and gives pointers on how you can go about getting some skills and/or work over the next few months.


Nightline’s instant messaging service is now back up and running every night from 9pm to 1am. All volunteers are fully trained and on hand to listen to anything you would like to talk about.

Wellbeing Conversation Research Opportunity

We’re offering a chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher for you and a friend! Register by 12th June for a discussion set to revolutionise wellbeing in the teaching and learning environment at Warwick.
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