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Warwick SU Week 6 All Member Email View Online version
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Hi everyone,
I hope you’re all managing to get out (safely, of course) and enjoy the great weather we’re having at the moment.
Next week it is the Union Awards - a chance to celebrate those students who help make Warwick SU such an exciting place to frequent, socialise, volunteer and work. From Course Reps and Execs to Societies and Student Staff, you’ve nominated a wide range of students who have done amazing things. Good luck to all those shortlisted!
Warwick SU believes that age, shape, ability, race, gender identity and other factors should have no bearing on access to a positive body image. Our #BodyPositivity campaign is all about proactively supporting and celebrating ourselves and each other, and we are looking for student bloggers to share their stories around being body positive. Details are below if you are interested.
Best wishes, 
Ben Newsham
Warwick SU President

Union Awards

It’s the Union Awards next week, and shortlists have now been revealed for two of the three award categories. The Union Awards will take place from 3rd – 5th June and will be streamed on our Facebook channel as well as our website.


We’re looking for bloggers to contribute to our #EveryBody page by writing about your journey to being body positive, your feelings on the topic, and what being body positive means to you! Bloggers will receive a £10 shopping voucher. Anyone interested should email

A message from Warwick Marrow

Saving the lives of blood cancer patients cannot be put on hold during a pandemic. It is now more important than ever for the stem cell register to be as large and diverse as it can be. If you are between the ages of 16-30 and are in good health, please sign up.

Student Pulse Survey

The SU's Term 3 Pulse survey is now open - this is your chance to tell us about your experiences at Warwick and what we can be doing to better support you. All completed surveys will be entered into a prize draw to win a £300 cash prize!

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