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Warwick SU Week 5 All Member Email View Online version
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Hi everyone,
I can’t believe we are halfway through term three already; where has the time gone?!
Over recent weeks, your Sabbatical Officers have been making sure that student consultation is at the heart of key decisions being made by the University about your education. Chloe (Education Officer) and Alice (Postgraduate Officer) have been working alongside the University’s Education Executive to ensure that all the changes re COVID-19 have been made with students in mind, and they have now published details online to provide clarity on many areas.
Not only have the Sabbs been looking out for the interests of students at Warwick, but also those from all over the UK. They have all signed an open letter to the Government, asking them to waive the debt of all healthcare students who have made the difficult decision to interrupt their studies and take up extended clinical placements to fight on the front line of the Covid-19 crisis.
We know there are many issues impacting on your student experience at the moment, and we’d like you to let us know how you’re feeling about the University and the Students’ Union in our Term Three Student Pulse Survey. The information you provide will help identify key areas of work for the SU in the year ahead, so it is really important that as many students as possible complete the questionnaire. Please spare a few minutes if you have time.
And another way you can have your say is by taking part in the All Student Vote! A motion has been proposed with regard to ‘Reducing Unnecessary Paper Waste at Warwick’, so please take a look and make your vote count on this important issue.
Best wishes, 
Ben Newsham
Warwick SU President

Education Updates

Chloe (Education Officer) and Alice (Postgraduate Officer) have been working alongside the University’s Education Executive to ensure that all changes due to COVID-19 are being made with students in mind.


Your Sabbatical Officers have signed an open letter to Parliament in support of a campaign for frontline student healthcare workers, calling for their fee debt to be waived.

Student Pulse Survey

The SU's Term 3 Pulse survey is now open - this is your chance to tell us about your experiences at Warwick and what we can be doing to better support you. All completed surveys will be entered into a prize draw to win a £300 cash prize!

All Student Vote

Voting is open in this term’s All Student Vote from 9am Tuesday 19th May to noon on Friday 22nd. Read the motion online and have your say!

T2 Impact Report

We did some amazing things together in Term 2, including charity fundraising, winning Varsity and electing your new SU Officers. Find details on all these and more in our T2 Impact Report.


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