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Warwick SU Week 4 All Member Email View Online version
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[Content Warning: Suicide]
Hi everyone,
We know that Warwick students are facing challenging circumstances at the moment. This is a difficult situation, which is forcing all of us to find new ways of living, working and communicating.
Many of you will have listened to the Prime Minister's address to the nation at the weekend, with initial information on how the government intend to ease us out of lockdown. Warwick University’s Vice Chancellor has given his response to the statement, stressing that there will be no immediate changes to the ways in which we are operating or working, and teaching and assessments will continue to be online only.
At the SU we’re working hard to make sure that all students’ needs are considered while the University makes huge changes to exams and assessments to allow students to complete their academic year where possible. We have recently added details of our work around the academic impacts of Coronavirus to our Covid-19 Updates page, along with information about what’s happening on campus, news on impacted services, and well-being support.
It may seem like a distant memory now, but you may still remember a time before self-isolation and social-distancing, when students and the SU were able to work together in a physical environment to do great things. Please take a few minutes to look over our Term 2 Impact Report, which contains some of our highlights from those pre-Covid months. 
There is more info about all the above and more in the links below. We look forward to seeing you back on campus once it is safe to return.
Best wishes,
Ben Newsham
Warwick SU President

T2 Impact Report

We did some amazing things together in Term 2, including charity fundraising, winning Varsity and electing your new SU Officers. Find details on all these and more in our T2 Impact Report.

Update from Warwick VC re Covid-19

Following the Prime Minister's address to the nation about measures to ease us out of lockdown, there are no immediate changes to the situation at Warwick.

Academic Information

At the SU we’re working hard to make sure that all students’ needs are considered while the University makes huge changes to exams and assessments.


We want to stop suicide, so we're helping one another to spot the signs that someone might be thinking about suicide and to ask them about it to break the silence.

Pressure Drop

Feeling a bit stressed or overwhelmed by exams and revision? We’re here to help! Email our officers or check out our stress-busting tips online.

Council Chair or Deputy Chair deadline extended!

The deadline for nominating yourself for SU Chair or Deputy Chair has now been extended to 12pm on 12th May.

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