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Warwick SU Week 3 All Member Email View Online version
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[Content Warning: Suicide]
Hi everyone,
I hope you are all staying well.
This week sees the launch of the Students’ Union’s immensely important #StopSuicide campaign. Please take a moment to visit the campaign web page for information on how to identify signs that someone might be thinking about suicide, how to start conversations about the subject and to provide support. In these times of isolation, it is more important than ever that we help one another to spot the signs and break the silence.
We know that many students are facing significant challenges brought about by the impact of Coronavirus; that’s why Warwick SU is supporting the NUS Student Safety Net campaign. Amongst other things, this campaign is pushing for all students to have access to a national hardship fund, and for those leaving education to be supported by a grant. Keep an eye on the SU social channels for further info, and download the campaign assets if you’d like to get involved.
For those who still have exams and assessments, don’t forget to visit the Pressure Drop section of the SU website for hints, tips and resources to help you through the season. If you need a break from study, you could do worse than check out the SU’s ‘Staying In In’ checklist on the SU Facebook page for ideas on things to do.
Try to stay in touch with the Warwick Community on our Corona Community Facebook group, but above all – stay in and stay safe.
Best wishes,
Ben Newsham
Warwick SU President


We want to stop suicide, so we're helping one another to spot the signs that someone might be thinking about suicide and to ask them about it to break the silence.

Pressure Drop

Revision resources, advice on studying at home, tips for managing exam stress, links for support and much more. The Pressure Drop web pages have everything you need to make it through exam season.

Student Safety Net

Every student should have access to a national hardship fund and every education leaver should have access to an additional grant. This is the student safety net we need.

Staying In In

How many things have you checked off the list in the Warwick SU Staying In In Challenge? We're sure at least one! Take a screenshot, tick them off and post your list in the comments section or tag us!

The Decolonise Webinar

Join the Warwick Decolonise Advocates for a Zoom webinar at 3pm on Friday 8th May to discuss the notion of “decolonising” education and decolonial work on campus.

Global Connections

Global Connections is an informal club where all Warwick students can come together to mix with students from different backgrounds and take part in simple activities, games, or conversations in English.

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