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Warwick SU Week 6 All Member Email View Online version
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Hi postgrads,
This week is your last chance to nominate yourself for a position at the SU in our upcoming Spring Elections. As always, we’d love to hear from as many postgraduate students as possible to ensure that the PG voice gets heard loud and clear in both the Students’ Union and the University!
Aside from my current position as Postgraduate Officer (which you can find out more about in my recent blog post), we’re particularly keen to hear from students who may be interested in the roles of Sports Officer and Societies Officer (all full-time positions with a one-year term in office), LGBTUA+ Officer (a part-time role) and Faculty Reps.
Nominations close tomorrow (Tuesday 11th February) so there’s not much time left to put yourself forward if you think one of these roles might suit you! Traditionally, postgraduate students have been underrepresented at Warwick, so this is your chance to try and help change that. You’ve got to be in it to win it!
Alice Churm
Warwick SU Postgraduate Officer

Spring Elections nominations

Nominations for roles in this year’s Spring Elections close at Noon on Tuesday 11th February. Head online to find out more about the different positions and see how you can make your mark on the postgrad experience at Warwick!

Contract consultation

In collaboration with UCU and the SU, the University invites postgraduate students who teach to attend informative sessions in order to discuss the proposed changes from hourly-paid contracts to employment contracts.

ASV results

Thanks to everyone who had their say in last week’s All Student Vote! The results are available to view online now.

Democracy Focus Groups

Focus groups about the SU’s democratic roles and processes are running during Week 6. Find out more and sign up online!
  This week's Curiositea Specials
  SU Events

Warwick Accomodation

Worried about finding your next home?

Warwick Accommodation has properties available in Leamington and Coventry with no booking fees, deposits or guarantors. Whether you’re struggling to find a suitable house off campus or you’re unsure how to find a group to live with, Warwick Accommodation can help. Come along to Cryfield Village Hall on Wednesday 12th February between 1-3pm to talk to us about our off campus properties.