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Warwick SU
Week 7 All Member Email
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Hello Postgrads,
I hope that those of you that had Reading Weeks had a productive or restful time! Here are a few things we have coming up this week:
This week we have our first All Student Vote of the academic year, where you will be able to vote on motions to become Warwick SU policy! This starts with an All Student Meeting in the Atrium on Monday from 5-7pm, and then you will be able to cast your vote online from Tuesday until Friday. Your voice is really important in shaping our SU, and it’s vital that we have a strong postgraduate student voice in our Students’ Union - I therefore encourage you all to log into the SU website and read over the motions, watch or attend the All Student Meeting and use your vote!
Our campaigns team have been working with the University to create guidance around trans-inclusive teaching and learning. For those of you who engage in teaching, it is really important that we have inclusive teaching practices so please take the time to look over this guidance! 
On Wednesday, the PG Hub will once again be hosting their 'Human Library' event! This event allows to you have an open, honest conversation with people who have nominated themselves to be 'Human Books'. This event will take place on Wednesday from 1-4pm in the Teaching Grid in the Library, Floor 2.
That's all for this week!

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