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Week 5 All Member Email
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Hello Postgrads,
This evening we have our second Postgrad Connections event at 5pm in The Graduate! This will be Speed Friend-Making, where you get the opportunity to meet lots of other PG students in the style of speed dating. This event obviously works better the more people who are there, so please come down and bring your friends!
On Thursday 31st October, we are also hosting a PG Halloween event at 6pm in The Graduate - we will be doing pumpkin decorating, and will have pizza! Tickets only cost £2 and available on the Warwick SU website. Hope to see you there!
For those who don’t already know, all PG students are eligible to take an IATL Module with approval from your home department. IATL host interdisciplinary modules that allow you to work with students from other departments & faculties and help you grasp complex ideas from a range of disciplinary perspectives. Amongst many others, these modules include ‘Skin: In Theory and Praxis’ which offers an introduction to different ways of thinking about the skin. You can see all their other PG modules on the IATL webpage.
As always, please also feel free to submit your Postgrad Suggestions to me!
Have a fab week,
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