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Warwick SU
Week 4 All Member Email
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Hi folks,
Many thanks to everyone who ran as a candidate or voted in last week’s Autumn Elections – we had a record-breaking turnout, and the provisional results are now available to view online. Congratulations to all the winning candidates; we look forward to working with you this year to improve the student experience here at Warwick!
Week 5 is Asexuality Awareness Week at the SU, while we’re also holding focus groups on University Accessibility and living in Canley – see below for more details. Please do come along to these events and help make our community as welcoming as possible for all students!
Ben Newsham
Warwick SU President
Week 1 - All Member email
Week 1 - All Member email

Autumn Elections

Find out the provisional results of last week’s vote to elect Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates.

Asexual Awareness Week

Find out more about what it means to be asexual with a range of events designed to educate and provide support to the student community.

Halloween Ball

Join us for a MASSIVE night in The Copper Rooms this Halloween (31st October) as we invite you to don your scariest costume and celebrate the spooky season in style!

Voter Registration

With all the current political uncertainly in the UK, there could be another General Election on the horizon. If you’re a UK student living off-campus, make sure you take 5 minutes to register – the impact of your vote could last for decades to come!

Accessible Services

We’re running two focus groups for disabled students this week to discuss the accessibility of University services. The first is in MR2 of SUHQ from 4:30-5:30pm on Tuesday, with the second from 12-1pm on Thursday (also in MR2).

Canley drop-in event

Living in Canley this year? The University is hosting a drop-in event in the Atrium on Wednesday, where you can tell them about your experiences and make suggestions for improvements to the area!

Sexual Health Clinic

There’s a chance to get yourself checked out for sexually-transmitted infections at our free drop-in clinic, running this Tuesday from 11am-3pm in Copper Rooms 2.

Sustainability Skills

The NUS is running a survey on skills learned at university related to sustainable development – fill in the survey for a chance to win £500 cash!
Week 1 - All Member email
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