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Warwick SU
Week 4 All Member Email
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Hello Postgrads,
Last week was our Autumn Elections, which saw record-breaking voter turnout! We now have  provisional results for our new execs (including the Postgraduate Experience Exec), so have a look over who you voted to represent you!
Next Monday, we have our second PG Connections event, where we will be hosting ‘Speed Friend Making’! This will be a speed dating-style event where you will get 5/10 minutes to talk to each person around the room. It will be lots of fun and a really nice way to get to meet new postgraduates outside of your departments - I hope to see you there!
UCU are currently balloting over two issues in Higher Education - if you are a PG who teaches, you are eligible to become a member of UCU (for free) and vote in these ballots. You have until Wednesday 23rd October to request a ballot paper (if you have not received one already), and then until Monday 28th October to post your ballot. If you would like to read more about these ballots and what they mean for postgrads who teach, please see my recent SU blog post HERE.
Finally, as always, I would love to get your Postgrad Suggestions. These are really fun to read, and useful to get a sense of what it is you want from your SU. It would be particularly great to hear what kind of events you would like to attend here!
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