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Warwick SU
Week 10 All Member Email
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Hi folks,
Well, we’ve finally made it to both the end of Term 3 and the end of another academic year. Best of luck to everyone awaiting their results this week - we hope you get what you wanted! If things don’t go to plan, however, make sure you contact the SU Advice Centre so they can help you explore your options – see the link on Academic Appeals below for further details.
If you’re living off-campus and planning to move out this week, don’t forget to take a look at our Move Out Without Losing Out webpages, as they contain all the info you’ll need to make sure you reduce waste, leave your property in good condition and get your full deposit back. For students living in Leamington, we’ve also managed to negotiate an extra bin collection this Saturday in certain areas – please do make use of this if you’re living on the roads that are being serviced! Again, more info can be found below.
It just remains to be said that we hope you all have a great summer! If you’re back in the Autumn, our new Officer team will be in-post from 1st August, so keep an eye on our social media channels for updates from them. If you’re leaving us for pastures new, it’s been emotional - on behalf of the entire SU officer and staff teams, we wish you all the very best for the future!
Liam Jackson
Warwick SU President
Week 1 - All Member email
Week 1 - All Member email

Moving Out resources

Save time, money and resources when moving out of off-campus accommodation with our handy hints & tips!

Extra Bin Collection

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve managed to secure an extra bin collection on Saturday 29th June for selected roads in Leamington – click through for more info.


Rawkus is a student-run organisation which organises food collections at the end of summer term and donates useable left-over goods to local organisations – visit their Facebook page for the latest updates about this weekend’s collections.

Academic Appeals

Not got the results you wanted? If so, don’t panic – visit the SU Advice Centre’s webpages for more information about a range of academic issues.

Library Fines

SU Postgraduate Officer ELLIE KING has posted a new blog outlining the progress we’ve been making on reducing Library fines for students – click through to find out more.

Student Cinema appeal

Warwick Student Cinema need your help! They’re currently running an emergency crowdfunding appeal to raise money for a new digital projector so that they can continue to bring great films to campus. Visit their page for more info!

Film Premiere

As part of the ‘Fly the Flag’ human rights campaign, Coventry City of Culture will be screening Ai Weiwei’s new film at Square One in Coventry this Wednesday. Click through for more info about this and other local events taking place soon!

Hate Crime Videos

Visit the SU’s Youtube channel for information about what constitutes a Hate Crime, how to report one, and what support is available for any students who are affected by this.

Hate Crime Info

Additional information for students who experience a Hate Crime or Hate Incident is available on the SU Advice Centre’s webpages.

Video Competition

What would you tell students moving into off-campus accommodation for the first time? Send us a short video (approx. 30-60 seconds) for a chance to win one of three £50 SU food & beverage vouchers! Closing date: 30th June.

MITN Photo Competition

Can you capture ‘multilingualism’ in a photo? If so, enter the Migration, Identity and Translation Network (MITN) competition for a chance to win a £100 Amazon voucher! Closing date: 14th July.

Pop-Up Picnic

Join us for an afternoon in the sunshine this Wednesday from 2-4pm on the Oculus field. We’ll be chatting about all things consent and giving out ice lollies and t-shirts!

Xananas Brunch

Did you know that Xananas restaurant in the SU now offers a full brunch menu throughout the week? Click through to see what’s on offer!

Curiositea specials

Time once again to say ‘Cheerio from Curio’ in our vintage tea shop, as our staff serve up a selection of their favourites to help see you on your way!

Sprint programme

Applications are now being accepted for the Undergraduate Sprint Programme, an immersive 4-day course open to all female students.

Cocktail specials

It’s – what else? - Summer Week in The Terrace Bar this Thursday from 4pm. Join us to get the perfect taste of sunshine!

Know Your Rep!

Did you know? Warwick SU supports a network of 700+ student Course Reps, who act as the link between students & their department and help to enact changes on your degree course. Find out more info and discover who your Rep is online!

Liberate My Module

Diversity? Equality? Liberation? How well have the modules you've taken embedded these issues within the syllabus and learning environment? The SU's 'Liberate my Module' survey is our chance to ensure that students are partners and collaborators in education.

Parent & Carers group

Are you a student with parenting or caring responsibilities? If so, join our Facebook group to meet other students and keep up to date with all the latest news and event info.


At Warwick, we want to create a community where everyone feels safe. Take the interactive Consent Matters module online to learn more about various issues surrounding consent.

Need Advice?

The SU’s Advice Centre is independent from the University and provides a free, confidential service to all students at Warwick. Feel free to get in touch if there’s anything they can help you with – they cover everything from housing and visa issues to personal wellbeing.

Campaigns Round-up

Find out what’s happening in the world of SU campaigning this week via the weekly round-up.

Locker Hire

Need a locker to store your things in? The SU has a range available to hire on a daily, weekly, termly or annual basis – visit SUHQ Reception to find out more.

TOTUM discounts

Last chance to sign up for another year’s worth of discounts if you’re graduating soon and don’t want to give up those student perks just yet! Buy a TOTUM Card before 11:59pm this Friday in order to qualify.

Bread Oven special

This week’s special is Southern Fried Chicken: crispy spiced chicken strips, chunky salsa and sour cream for £3.95.
Week 1 - All Member email
What's on this week

POP! Term 3 Week 10 ***SOLD OUT***

Date: Wednesday 26 June 2019
Time: 10pm - 2am
POP! Term 3 Week 10 ***SOLD OUT***

Quackstar Karaoke

Date: Wednesday 26 June 2019
Time: 10pm - midnight
Quackstar Karaoke

Cocktail (Free Event)

Date: Thursday 27 June 2019
Time: 4pm - 1am
Cocktail (Free Event)

Clever Ducks Quiz

Date: Thursday 27 June 2019
Time: 10pm - midnight
Clever Ducks Quiz
® © Warwick SU Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL Charity & Company Details
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