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Week 7 All Member Email
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Esteemed colleagues in Warwickry,
The biggest event in the University’s sporting calendar take place this week: Varsity 2019! For those of you who aren’t familiar with the process, this is our annual sporting showdown with Coventry University to see who gets to lay claim to the title of ‘Greatest Sporting Institution This Side of the A46’ (hint: it’s usually us, but obviously we wouldn’t want to get complacent). There are dozens of fixtures coming up this weekend for you to support, while ticket and merch bundles for the Netball Finale are on sale now - we look forward to seeing you there to cheer on #TeamWarwick!
The provisional candidate list for the upcoming Spring Elections was released recently – take a peek online via the link below to see who’s looking to represent you in the next academic year! Next week will be when campaigning gets underway and you’ll have the chance to vote for the people you want to run your Students’ Union during 2019-20, so stay tuned for more details then. If you’re a candidate who’s running, don’t forget that the deadline to submit your electronic manifesto is this Friday at Noon!
Finally, the SU has just launched a new volunteer opportunity, Activate, which is aimed at BME students who’d like to help to inspire the next generation of young people from African, Asian, Arab and Caribbean descent into Higher Education. If this sounds like something you’d like to get involved with, please see below for more info and to sign up!
Liam Jackson
Warwick SU President
Week 1 - All Member email
Week 1 - All Member email

Varsity Fixtures

The full fixture list for this year’s tournament is also now available to view online. Best of luck to everyone who’ll be representing #TeamWarwick this week!

Varsity Bundles

Bundle packages for the closing match of Varsity 2019 are on sale now, including tickets, travel and #TeamWarwick merchandise!

Spring Elections

The provisional candidate list was announced last week - log into the SU website to find out who’s currently in the running.

LGBTUA+ History Month

Throughout many periods in history, the lives and accomplishments of LGBTUA+ people have been ignored or actively erased. This month, we're spreading knowledge and forging links to counteract this historical erasure.

Hidden Histories

This week’s guest lecture will explore how queer bodies, selves and desires were represented/negotiated in English socio-legal discourses and beyond in the 18th century.


Help inspire the next generation of BME students through workshops addressing financial barriers, advice around navigating mental health as a student of colour, and support for the University journey including applications and induction.

RAWKUS sign-ups

RAWKUS is a project that was created 5 years ago to save food surplus from kitchens across campus when students leave halls at the end of term. If you’re free to help with a collection on 16th March (9am-6pm), sign-ups are available now!

Trans Support Group

If you're a trans person or are questioning your gender identity, this community support group offers you the space to discuss trans & gender identity issues in a relaxed environment with others who are part of the Warwick trans & questioning community.

Parents and Carers

Student with parenting or caring responsibility? The next informal get-together takes place this Tuesday from 10am-1pm in The Graduate.

Let’s Talk campaign

Recent events have emphasised the importance of communication and education to conversations around sex, relationships and consent. You can now ask questions anonymously online and receive an answer courtesy of the SU and Sexpression Warwick.

Rainbow Laces

Need to brighten up an old pair of trainers? Want to take part in kicking LGBTUAphobia out of sport? If so, pick up a pair of rainbow laces from SU Reception, available now at the discounted price of £1!

Drugs & Alcohol Survey

Please take part in our Alcohol and Recreational Drugs in SU Spaces Survey, in order to help us better understand the drink and drug culture within our own venues and societies.

Curiositea offers

We’ll tell you what we want, what we really, really want - it’s for you to join us in Curiositea this week for our menu of Spice Girls specials. Say you’ll be there…?

Cocktail specials

Hit the sack, Jack! Or, more specifically, hit The Terrace Bar this Thursday from 4pm to try out their Rick & Morty-themed specials. Wubba lubba dub dub!

TEDx Warwick

Join TEDxWarwick on 2nd March in Butterworth Hall of Warwick Arts Centre for the largest student-run TEDx event in Europe, featuring 14 inspiring talks, breakout sessions, performances and more!

Tesco focus group

The team at Tesco Cannon Park would like to meet to discuss students’ experiences of shopping there, and what they can do to help support you better in-store. If you’re available at 8pm on March 5th, please email to express your interest.

Sexual Health survey

We’re collecting evidence to present to the University about the availability of sexual health testing services on campus – please send us your feedback so that we can lobby for improvements in this area.

Inspiring Women

The next speaker in the Inspiring Women series is Marina Antoniou – booking for the event on 27th February is available now online.

Summer Internships

Warwick Summer Internships (WSI) offer paid, full-time, 6+ week experiences, exclusively for Warwick undergraduate students. Internships are with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), charities and internal departments of the University.

Teaching Excellence Awards

Nominations are now open in this year’s Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence (WATE). If you want to recognise a member of staff, personal tutor or postgraduate who teaches, feel free to submit their details online! Deadline: 27th February.

Know Your Rep!

Did you know? Warwick SU supports a network of 700+ student Course Reps, who act as the link between students & their department and help to enact changes on your degree course. Find out more info and discover who your Rep is online!

Liberate My Module

Diversity? Equality? Liberation? How well have the modules you've taken embedded these issues within the syllabus and learning environment? The SU's 'Liberate my Module' survey is our chance to ensure that students are partners and collaborators in education.

Parent & Carers group

Are you a student with parenting or caring responsibilities? If so, join our new Facebook group to meet other students and keep up to date with all the latest news and event info.


At Warwick, we want to create a community where everyone feels safe. Take the interactive Consent Matters module online to learn more about various issues surrounding consent.

Need Advice?

The SU’s Advice Centre is independent from the University and provides a free, confidential service to all students at Warwick. Feel free to get in touch if there’s anything they can help you with – they cover everything from housing and visa issues to personal wellbeing.

Campaigns Round-up

Find out what’s happening in the world of SU campaigning this week via the weekly round-up.

Locker Hire

Need a locker to store your things in? The SU has a range available to hire on a daily, weekly, termly or annual basis – visit SUHQ Reception to find out more.

TOTUM discounts

Live your best student life and go further with TOTUM, the #1 discount card. Get deals on everything you need from energy to fashion. Have you got it yet?

Bread Oven special

This week’s special is Moroccan Lamb: lamb meatballs in tomato tagine, mint yoghurt, olives and jalapenos for £3.95.
Week 1 - All Member email
What's on this week

Postgraduate Pub Quiz

Date: Tuesday 19 February 2019
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Postgraduate Pub Quiz

Musical Bingo

Date: Tuesday 19 February 2019
Time: 10pm - 11:30pm
Musical Bingo

POP! Term 2 Week 7

Date: Wednesday 20 February 2019
Time: 10pm - 2am
POP! Term 2 Week 7

Quackstar Karaoke

Date: Wednesday 20 February 2019
Time: 10pm - midnight
Quackstar Karaoke

Cocktail (FREE EVENT)

Date: Thursday 21 February 2019
Time: 9pm - 1am
Cocktail (FREE EVENT)

Clever Ducks Quiz

Date: Thursday 21 February 2019
Time: 10pm - midnight
Clever Ducks Quiz


Date: Friday 22 February 2019
Time: 9pm - 2am

Visit Uk - Party Bus to Pryzm Birmingham

Date: Friday 22 February 2019
Time: 10pm - 4am
Visit Uk - Party Bus to Pryzm Birmingham

Varsity 2019: Ticket bundle

Date: Friday 22 February 2019
Time: 10:30am - 8pm
Varsity 2019: Ticket bundle


Date: Saturday 23 February 2019
Time: 10pm - 2am
Week 1 - All Member email
Week 4 - All Member email
Week 1 - All Member email
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