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Hello postgrads!
It’s the very last week before Christmas, so I want to start with a big “well done” for making it through your first two and a half months of this year! It feels like Welcome Week was only yesterday, but we’ve had a busy term in the Warwick postgrad world!
We had some great welcome events on in October, including our drinks reception with the Graduate School, plus the first of many PG Quizzes. We’ve also had a Sunday Lunch, some pumpkin-carving for Halloween, Acoustic Jam nights, a Thanksgiving Dinner and our monthly Postgrad Connections events! Last week for Christmas, we hosted our PG Craft-tea party, alongside the annual PG Christmas party in conjunction with the PG Hub. It really has been a great term for postgrad events, and we hope you’ve been made to feel welcome and part of the Warwick community.
For our last event of the year this Wednesday (19th December) we’re heading to The Dirty Duck for our Christmas Lunch. We’d love it if you joined us – tickets cost just £5 for two courses, or £6 for three. Lunch begins at 12pm Noon and you can grab your tickets here!
Last week, I launched a campaign called Postgrad Connections, which aims to raise awareness of the realities of postgrad life at Warwick. You’ve probably found that being a postgrad can be quite lonely, with less opportunities for you to meet new people, find a new hobby or make new friends. Sometimes, we can get so wrapped up in our studies that we forget to look after ourselves: to eat healthily, exercise regularly, or even chat to people on a daily basis.
Postgrad Connections is all about supporting students through their studies. We’ve made a handy little quiz for you to take, to see how well you’re managing your daily life – and if some things aren’t as good as they should be, we’ve got a load of tips on how to improve them over on our website! We’ve also set up monthly events for you to meet with fellow students and share your experiences – all the topics we discuss in those sessions will be uploaded online so you can return to things when you need them.
I’ve really loved my first three months as Postgrad Officer - I’ve started a load of projects and can’t wait to continue them in the New Year. As always, if you have any suggestions about things you’d like to see me work on, then please drop me a message. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas - make sure you look after yourselves and get some rest, as you’ve worked hard this term!
Big PG love and Merry Christmas,
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